Personal Protection: 4 Skills to Learn That Keep You Safe

Nothing matters more than your safety. It doesn’t matter if you’re walking the streets alone at night. It doesn’t matter if you’re alone in the comfort of your own home in the middle of the day, either. You have to make your safety a top priority no matter what. Learning various skills can do so much for people who are passionate about optimal safety.

Handgun Shooting

Knowing how to shoot a 9mm handgun properly can be great for people who want to remain safe and sound in the midst of frightening circumstances of all varieties. Using 9mm handguns as concealed weapons can provide you with a sense of peace of mind. If you’re in the middle of dangerous circumstances, knowing how to shoot a handgun may prove to be invaluable. Be sure to take a self-defense course to learn more about when and where to use your handgun, should the need ever arise (which hopefully it won’t). Self-defense courses can also teach you a lot about general gun safety as well.

Martial Arts

Martial arts can do wonders for people who want to stay safe regardless of their taxing circumstances. If you want to be able to defend yourself in the presence of attackers of all varieties, martial arts like karate, judo, and taekwondo can do the trick. It can be a terrific idea to sign up for karate lessons. Becoming a black belt can help you prepare for all kinds of emergency situations in the real world. Martial arts are incredibly helpful when it comes to protecting yourself. You should take some time to learn how to keep yourself safe by using martial arts. The time and money you spend are worth it.


Vigilance is a skill, too, believe it or not. If you’re vigilant and attentive, you can escape potentially scary situations quickly. Being oblivious can lead to all kinds of possibly disastrous consequences. If you want to be able to get out of tough situations of all kinds, a vigilant personality is a must. You don’t want to be someone who daydreams. You want to be someone who is totally and completely aware of your surroundings at all times. Be vigilant and stay strong, it will serve you well. There is always a way to be vigilant, so make sure you explore any and all avenues.


There are all sorts of things you can do to stay safe. If you want to feel confident in the event of something challenging, it can help to have mace on hand. This is a type of chemical that can discourage individuals who may be trying to invade your personal space. If you want to safeguard yourself from possible attacks and injuries, then you should learn all about how to use mace in a safe and responsible manner. Mace can be effectively employed without too much of a problem. However, look up instructional videos and practice using it before taking it with you anywhere.

Staying safe is one of the most wonderful things in the world. It can be unsettling to feel uneasy and vulnerable. If you want to revel in optimal safety, there are all sorts of skills that can aid you.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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