Pest Problems? How to Get Rid of Pesky Critters Once and for All

If pest problems are bugging you, there are steps you can take to remediate the situation. In addition to being a nuisance, pest problems can cause major damage to your home and put your health in jeopardy. Here are four ways to get rid of your pesky critters once and for all.

Seal Entry Points

Pests love to get into homes through every opening they can find. Making sure that the areas around your doors and windows are sealed properly can prevent many of these critters from entering. Pests are also known to enter through dryer vent and exhaust fan dampers that don’t open and close freely. If any screens are missing from your roof vents, your attic will be more accessible for birds, bats, and squirrels. Even your home’s foundation can serve as an entryway for pests if there are any cracks in it. Make sure to fill any cracks that you might happen to see as you go about your day to day business. Holes can also form after a long, cold winter, so be sure to check for those as well.

Utilize Pest Control Services

Hiring professionals who provide pest control services is a great way to rid your home of pesky critters for good. These professionals can treat all areas around your home and even access hard-to-reach spaces where pests may be hiding. Many of the products that these pest control specialists use are safe for people and household pets. Some of these professionals are even available to provide ongoing treatments so that your home will remain pest-free. That way, you can be sure that you will not be bothered by pests anymore at all.

Don’t Leave Food Sitting Out

Critters will more likely try to enter your home if the smell food that has not been stored properly is present. All tables and countertops should be wiped thoroughly to remove crumbs and other food debris after every meal. Leftover pet food that has been allowed to sit out after feeding time can become another food source for pests. The smell of food in your garbage can also attract pests, so it’s important to place all your trash in rubbish bins with durable, well-sealed bags. Make sure to do these things, and your home will remain pest-free and fabulous throughout the year.

Try Natural Remedies

Certain natural remedies are able to repel pests without always causing them harm. HuffPost suggests using household items like coffee grounds, hot peppers, and garlic to try to deter pesky critters. You can also try making bug traps using items such as glue and sticky paper. Cucumber and mint work well to deter ants. Making a spray using fractionated coconut oil and vinegar is a great way to repel spiders. Using natural deterrents is much better for the environment, and most of the time, they work better than harsh chemicals anyway.  Remember to believe in them, and they will work better for you.

Your home doesn’t have to be ruled by annoying and harmful critters. You can reclaim your living space and make your home a pest-free environment by taking the right measures.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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