Pets and carpets:Tips to keep your carpet pet proof

Living with pets can be a fabulous experience. You always have a bundle of fur by your side with whom you can eat, sleep and even go out on long walks. You have a partner in crime who is as naughty as you, and he is nothing less than your baby. But, do you feel frustrated when you pets ruin your carpet? Of course, you do, and the good part is that it is normal for you to feel furious. The question that arises here is that what can you do about this situation? We have the answer! Read on the following post and get a hold of some of the best tips to keep your pets off your beautiful carpet.

1. Keep their nails trimmed

You must have seen that your cats and dogs have the urge to scratch the cabinets or your wooden flooring many times? Well once they try their paws on your carpet, there is no stopping them and eventually one day when you return from work, it’s only the ruins that you will find. Want to prevent that situation? Trim their nails right away. This way, even if they scratch, they won’t be able to do much harm, and it will help keep your carpet and hardwood floors safe.

2. Potty train them

It is essential for you as a pet owner to ensure that your pet is potty trained otherwise he will only create a mess for you every time he needs to take a leak. From the very first day teach him to make the run to the entrance door, so you could take him out to help him get his job done. Try to set schedule for his food, so you know that every time he has had his big meal or drank lots of water, within the next 20 minutes, he will need to go out for his potty session. This process will significantly help you and your pet.

3. Get a separate bed

Instead of making your pet sleep on the couch, the rugs, the floor or your bed, get him separate him and ensure that he spends most of his time there. Equip the space with soft toys and food items to make it his happy place and help him get used to the whole setting. This way he will stay away from the carpet, and you won’t have to worry much about your carpet cleaning Perth.

4. Carpet cleaning is a must

Vacuuming is a great way to keep the fur away, and with pets in your house, it becomes an even more important process. Till the time you are house training your pet, make sure that you clean and vacuum your carpet at least once a week. Use carpet powder for effective cleaning and getting rid of fur and pet saliva. Just a little research will help you learn the right tricks to get the job done with perfection.  

5. Rugs to the rescue

Since the whole fuss is about carpets and their maintenance, why not replace them in the first place and make your life easier? If you are sure that your pet won’t get used to staying away from the carpet anytime soon, then replace your carpets with rugs and enjoy your day without worrying about your pet’s naughty activities. Rugs are more robust as compared to carpets which makes them a must have for you.

6. Call in the professionals once a month

Steam carpet cleaning in Perth is an effective way to ensure that there is no pet odour, pet fur or pet urine in the carpets. For that matter, call in the professionals from Carpet Cleaning so they could use their equipment and solutions to make your carpets cleaner than ever.

Now that you have become an expert in the field use these tips to your advantage and keep your carpets clean and hygienic even with your pets around.  


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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