Pipe leaks are dangerous because of its damaging effects on home and health

Water leakages constitute most of the plumbing emergencies. Although minor leakages do not come in this category, you must not neglect it because it could lead to an emergency in no time. Professional plumbers working with plumbing companies like gmplumbingcorporation.com can efficiently handle emergencies, the inconvenience, damages, and expenses are yours. Therefore, avoiding plumbing emergencies whether it is from leakages or clogged drains or frozen pipelines is not always a better option.

Although all kinds of water leakages do not cause inconvenience to the residents, it can cause much more damage to the property. That is the reason why you must not neglect water leakage which if allowed persisting will harm you significantly which you will discover much later. How bad the leakage depends on its damaging abilities and the earlier you pick up the signs better would be to minimize its harmful effects.

Those who have experienced flooding of homes either from leakages or natural causes like floods will realize the extent of damage it can cause to life and property. Not only are the costs of repair very high but the damage to the building structure can be very concerning. When water seeps into the building structure, it erodes the steel elements and weakens the structure from within. Since the structural integrity of the building is at risk, it can affect the value of the property that comes down drastically. Such damages happen when water leakages go unnoticed, and the structure keeps absorbing water in some parts for a prolonged period. Even if you repair the leak, the problem of building damage might persist because it leaves a lingering effect. The devalued home becomes a headache for you when you try to sell it.

While the above is the bigger picture of water damage in homes, there are also some other damages that you have to face which are no less concerning. Water leakages are bad for dwellings regardless of its scale because the damp and moist environment that arises from minor leakages is very bad for health.  Therefore, it is safe to conclude that water leakages are bad for homes and the extent of damage has a direct link to the degree of leakage. To be on the safe side, it is better to react to any water leakage promptly so that nothing much damage can happen.

The effects of structural damage

A watermark in some parts of the building is a sign of water leakage. While leakages of pipes that run over the ground are easily visible, the problem is much more for pipes that run behind the walls or under the floors. Incidentally, the majority of pipelines that carry water, both freshwater and wastewater remain concealed and the task of leak detection and repair becomes very challenging. Covered pipes cause the most damage to the building structure when it starts leaking because it is challenging to detect the signs of leakage early.

The signs of water leakage appear on the surface after a long time and are visible in the form of stains, discoloration, and streaks of watermarks on the walls. Warping of dry walls that start swelling is the effect of water coming on to the walls. When the signs of water leakage become visible, water has already begun damaging the structural elements of the building. The support beams and other vital structures of the building become weak. The combination of ugly looks of wet walls and the invisible structural damage can prove too costly.

Mold and fungal growth

When homeowners experience some water damage especially from leakages, the environment of the indoors change drastically from dry to wet. The moist air of the interior makes it ideal for mold and fungal growth across the living areas and poses serious health hazards. The spores generated from the organisms pollute the air and makes it unsuitable for healthy living. In normal conditions too, homes might experience mold and fungal growth and if water leakages happen the problem compounds many more times.  Spores remain dormant in dry areas for decades but do not harm human health. It is only in moist environments that it becomes very active and harmful.

Signs and symptoms of mold exposure

Mold spores in the air can have varied effects on people that range from mild to catastrophic.  Allergic reactions from molds are most common. Nasal congestion, sneezing fits, coughing and difficulty in breathing are the symptoms of mold attacks in its early stages.  A sore throat and red eyes too are signs of mold exposure.  It can be bad for the average person but for those with some history of immune deficiency or some existing disease, the exposure to molds can not only aggravate the problems but make it so very severe but that it can turn life-threatening at times. Those who have asthma are worst affected. Exposure to molds can make infants susceptible to a cough and cold that becomes chronic and can ultimately lead to asthma.

Other health hazards from water leakages

The effects of water leakages on health depend not only on the extent of leakage and the areas affected by it but also on the kind of water that passes through the pipelines.  Leakages from freshwater pipes are less harmful to health, but if you experience leakages from wastewater lines, you have to go all out to arrest the spreading of water and repair the leak immediately with the help of licensed plumbers. Wastewater contains more harmful bacteria and germs that cause much more health damage than mold exposure.  Many infectious diseases can spread across the household and the neighborhood if there is there is flooding due to the bursting of wastewater pipes.

Detecting water damage

For long-term health and safety of your family, it is critical to detect water leakages early. But the problem occurs because the signs of leakage show up very late and then by the time you discover it, some damage has already happened, especially to the building structure. Repairing the leaks is only possible when you detect the problem, and the sooner you do better it is. Here are a few ways of detecting leaks in the water pipelines that you have to be familiar with.

  • Have sensitive noses – The earliest signs of water leakage manifest in the form of a musty smell that fills the air. Even though nothing is visible, but the air has the typical musty odor, it is a sign that water is leaking somewhere. The smell is the result of water soaking into the building materials. If the odor was not there earlier, try to trace its origin that would lead you to the spot from where water is leaking. The smell gives the earliest lead about water leakage.
  • Discolored walls – If the walls at certain places show fading colors or discoloration, the only cause behind it is water leakage. It is especially visible on light colored walls like on a white wall you could see yellow or off-white strains appearing at the most unexpected places. Along with it if there is a warping of the wall surface, it is sure sign of extensive water damage to the walls.
  • Sagging ceiling or walls – Leaking water accumulates at one point, and as time passes, the weight of collected water keeps increasing which results in putting too much pressure to the surface of the building that bloats or caves in. If you observe sagging in some parts of the building, it is possible that water leakage is the cause for it. Although it takes a long time for the sign to show up, you have to act very fast to repair the leakage because the internal damage to the building structure has already reached alarming stages. If you see bulging at some place on the wall or ceiling, it is a clear sign of water accumulation due to leakage.

Winters can be bad

Cold weather can be bad for pipelines especially when the temperature reaches the freezing point and freezes the water inside pipelines. Ice expands in volume while cooling and thus puts enormous pressure on the pipes and it can burst. Regular inspection of pipelines in winter and keeping a watch on the temperature are ways to avoid any severe problems.

Leakages in pipelines are never predictable nor are it always possible to detect it early. However, accepting the fact that leakages can happen, staying alert to recognize its signs as soon as possible helps to avoid any aggravation that can have severe consequences on health and property.

To deal with leakages effectively, you have to rely on the services of professional and licensed plumbers who have the experience, expertise, and resources to handle the problem effectively and provide some long-term solutions. They can diagnose the problem correctly and repair it in a way so that there is no recurrence in the near future. Never neglect water leakages no matter how small it might be because even the most minor leak can cause havoc and leave you devastated.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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