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Plantation Shutters: What You Should Know

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Plantation shutters have become a relatively popular choice of window coverings in certain parts of the world, combining the general flexibility of window blinds with the reliability and thick construction of a hard blind. While some people will try to make DIY plantation shutters at home, it is not hard to find excellent plantation shutters online that will fit your window sizes perfectly. However, before you start thinking over your budget, you will want to know the strengths and weaknesses of these window shutters as a whole.


The nature of plantation blinds means that they are often made with thicker materials, usually wood or something of a similar strength. However, even PVC plantation shutters are available, and this gives you a lot of variety with the ones you can install. There are dozens of colours, a wide range of individual styles, tilt-rod adjustments and even the ability to change how large the louvres (or slats) are.

Because of this, they can also be adjusted to fit almost any home and style. Some people might prefer synthetic materials while others want treated wood or a combination of both, but they are all effective and can be matched to the way that the rest of your home looks.


Installing plantation shutters isn’t necessarily difficult, even if it may take a while for larger windows or complex corners. However, it is a good idea to make sure that you are ready to commit to them: they can be challenging to take off and quickly replace if you decide to change your style, so you will want to match them to your home as well as you can. Treat them like you would treat a window frame: something that can make a big difference to how a space looks, but also can’t be removed and replaced at will without some very precise work.

Installing plantation blinds can be slightly more complex for any kind of curved corner, but windows that use angled corners are as easy as normal ones. When looking for plantation shutters online, you can often find ones that are specially built to be used on 90-degree or 45-degree corners. Windows with arched tops or unique shapes (such as ovals or circles) can have custom-made shutters, too.


Plantation blinds are far less thick than curtains can be, but they still need space. If they fold off to the side, then you will need room to fold them away, and they will often take up whatever space was available near the interior side of the window’s glass. The bulkier your shutters are, the more space they can take up both folded and unfolded, so keep this in mind if you are hoping to fit them into a compact space. On the other hand, in larger areas, this can be an extremely minor detail unless it happens to block a cupboard or opening door.

While window shutters like this might take up more space than normal blinds, the benefits can often be worth the added bulk. Remember that they are much less likely to tangle with things than curtains can, too, which can be useful if you want the room to look clear and clean. If you don’t need them to fold away and want to use them as a permanent fixture, they take up even less space.


Shutters are extremely durable when compared to blinds and shades, providing the same basic benefits while using stronger designs and better materials. Not only do they barely require any maintenance, but they can often increase the value of a home due to being so long-lasting. While the price might be slightly higher overall, a good set of plantation blinds could theoretically last for decades without needing any major replacements and only the most basic level of maintenance (like cleaning and dusting).

They can also be much more resistant to damage from the weather: they won’t be as washed-out from sunlight as a curtain might be, and aren’t going to suffer badly if they get wet or have to handle humid air. If you choose a style that you are happy to keep, then it is possible to have the same set of plantation shutters in your home for years without even needing to consider re-painting them or getting a new set.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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