Plastic Surgery: Medical Benefits of Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is also referred to as abdominoplasty. It’s a procedure that tightens your tummy or stomach muscles. The surgeon removes excess fat and loose skin to create a well-toned and flat appearance. Dr. Jason Leedy elaborates that the surgery is not just for the famous and rich, but anybody can get it. The surgery nowadays is popular, and there is a 9% increase in the number of people seeking the surgery.

Who Prefers Tummy Tuck?

The groups of people mentioned below are the greatest beneficiaries of abdominoplasty.

  • Women who want to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies after childbirth
  • Weight loss beneficiaries who want to get rid of the loose skin in their tummy
  • Seniors who want to get rid of loose skin around their abdomen

What most people haven’t realized is that tummy tuck doesn’t just give you cosmetic benefits, but has medical benefits as well. People who undergo this procedure enjoy amazing health benefits.

Health Benefits of Tummy Tuck

Reduces Stress Urinary Incontinence

This condition mostly affects women who have undergone childbirth via the vagina.  Women with the condition have uncontrollable bladder leakage that comes when they sneeze, laugh, or cough.

This condition can make women anxious and negatively affect their lifestyle. No sane person wants to think about an uncontrollable bladder when in a social gathering or in a workplace.

The surgeon uses soft tissue located near your pelvic area to create a bladder obstruction.

Hernia Correction

A hernia happens when your organ pushes through the muscle keeping it in place.  A ventral hernia happens when the abdominal tissue or intestine protrudes through an opening or weakness in your abdominal wall muscles. It results in discomfort and pain. Risk factors include those who have lost tremendous weight in a short time and women who have undergone C-section.

The plastic surgeon suggests a tummy tuck to correct your hernia. Strong stomach muscles lower the chances of you experiencing the condition. Tummy tuck gets rids of these problems and gives you immense medical benefits. Your confidence and self-esteem improve too. Consult a plastic surgeon to learn more.

Easy Weight Loss Management and Maintenance

Bariatric patients can keep their lost weight off after this surgery. Bariatric patients can undergo sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, or adjustable gastric band. If you undergo the combined surgeries, you can maintain a perfect weight.

On top of that, the tummy tuck increases your exercise tolerance and you are able to take part in physical activities without any problems. Besides, you enjoy renewed confidence which makes physical activities fun and more enjoyable. Risk factors include those who have lost tremendous weight in a short time and women who have undergone C-section.

Improved Abdominal Tone and Better Posture

Tummy tuck primarily tightens your abdominal muscles. Tighter and well-toned abdominal muscles improve your posture and lowers chances of getting lordosis or a swayback. The procedure relieves other forms of back pain. The surgery nowadays is popular, and there is a 9% increase in the number of people seeking the surgery

Social and Emotional Changes

Apart from the mentioned health benefits, you enjoy improved confidence. You can wear clothes that didn’t fit you before. You can socialize more and enjoy a better quality of life.

The procedure takes at most 5 hours and the surgeon administers general anesthesia. The recovery process is about 6 weeks. Your overall appearance improves significantly and you can enjoy things you couldn’t before.


Hernia, urinary incontinence, posture, and weight loss are problems that affect people of all ages and gender. Tummy tuck gets rids of these problems and gives you immense medical benefits. Your confidence and self-esteem improve too. Consult a plastic surgeon to learn more.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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