Popular Myths about Ketamine without medical supervision

If you are suffering from bipolar disorder, stress, or depression, it can be hard for you to see life from the positive side. Anxiety and depression occur due to low levels of glutamate in the brain. The use of Ketamine in controlled amounts helps revive connections between the neurons and to help fight off the side effects of stress. You become elated, which is a plus in your journey to recovery. If you have PTSD in Lexington, Boston MindCare, PC has good news for you. Our team of specialists led by anesthesiologists Jason Yee, MD, and Isabel Legarda, MD, have registered success in treating post-traumatic stress disorder using Ketamine therapy.

Ketamine is one of the most abused drugs, which has led many people to have false information about its potential benefits in medical applications. Here are the popular myths about Ketamine:

Myth 1: Ketamine is Dangerous

There is a general negative connotation about Ketamine due to its probable effects that can be life-threatening. The misuse of Ketamine can indeed have dire consequences on a user. Mixing the drug with other substances or overusing it can cause psychosis, memory loss, and unconsciousness. However, the medicinal use of the drug under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner is devoid of such risks since your anesthetist will administer the right dosage. Like with any other drug, overdose and the use of Ketamine without medical supervision can be harmful.

Myth 2: Ketamine is a Tranquilizer for Animals and is not suitable for Use by Humans

Ketamine is an effective drug for sedating large animals and cannot be used to treat humans. For a long time, Ketamine has been used to treat depression in smaller doses, with significant results. A small amount of Ketamine is used in infusion therapy compared to when using the drug for sedation.

Myth 3: Ketamine Cannot Help Treat Depression

Ketamine has little benefits in the treatment of depression. Most people who use the product get it from non-medical staff who have little information about dosage. It is vital for the medical professional to know your health history and whether you are using other medications to help decide on which is the best treatment method and dosage for you.

Myth 4: Ketamine is a Recreational Drug

Most people believe that Ketamine is a party drug due to its dissociative effects. However, this is just one of the misconceptions about the usage of the drug. The drug was first introduced for anesthetic use in the 1960s. It is legal to use this anesthetic in hospitals, and it has been classified as a Schedule III drug. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of products containing the substance for treating depression in 2019. The drug can help improve your mental health by treating depression and other mood disorders.

Boston MindCare, PC, in Lexington, Massachusetts, offers unique treatments for men and women affected by PTSD. Trained anesthesiologists Jason Yee, MD, and Isabel Legarda, MD, use ketamine infusions to deliver long-lasting relief. Ketamine helps restore healthy brain function, healing the neurological damage caused by PTSD.

Many people with mental illness have trouble finding a drug that works. Even if you find the right medication, it may take several weeks to reach the drug to kick in. For people with debilitating PTSD, this waiting period can be painful.

Ketamine infusion therapy has impressive results in managing treatment-resistant depression. There are many myths out there about Ketamine, but the correct use of the product helps transform lives. Visit us today to learn more about Ketamine and have our specialists help you come out of your depression.


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