Potential Problems Caused by a Damaged HVAC System

If you have an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and air conditioning) system, it’s important to ensure proper functioning to have heat during the winter and air conditioning during the summertime. A failed HVAC system can be costly to repair but with certain precautions and maintenance, the HVAC can run smoothly. Here are a few problems that can exist if you have an HVAC system.

Clogged Drains

HVAC systems do have drain lines for any moisture to exit the system. If the HVAC system doesn’t function properly, moisture won’t escape and will clog up the drain. This can cause leaks that damage the ceilings, furnishings, and walls. If this occurs, mold can grow and be difficult to remove. Inspecting the drains of the unit will ensure there are no leaks or clogs. If you deem there is a clog in the system, turn the system off, use a thin brush and push it through the drain, this will move any material out of the way. Vacuum out the pipe to remove any debris.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks can occur for several reasons such as being undercharged when it was installed or lack of charging during regular maintenance. When the system doesn’t run correctly, it can leak into the environment, leak refrigerant into the home and even cause property damage. undercharged when it was installed or lack of charging during regular maintenance. If you have a refrigerant leak, contact a professional to test the system and make the necessary repairs.

Dusty Ducts

An HVAC system circulates air throughout the home, allowing fresh air into the most isolated parts of the house while also helping clean out the dust. However, if your filter is old and left unchanged, you’re likely just circulating more dust through the house. This is bad for your lungs and is especially problematic for those with allergies. Typically, you should rotate your air filter every 1-3 months depending on the instructions given on the filter itself.  You should also have your ducts professionally cleaned every few years to prevent dust build-up along the sides.

Burning Smell

A burning smell coming from the HVAC system is dangerous. If the system is newly installed, there may be a burning smell within the first 24 hours after starting the system. This can be both from the oil in the unit heating up for the first time, or it can also be from a thin layer of dust burning off the system. But if the system is over 24 hours old and emits a burning smell, this is a sign of dangerous HVAC issues. Use the shut-off valve to turn the system off and then contact HVAC repair immediately to inspect and repair the unit.

HVAC systems are the heart and lungs of a home but can pose hazards to your health if they are not properly maintained. Contacting an HVAC repair professional can help inspect, repair, and ensure the system is running safely. You should schedule an inspection from a professional every few years at the latest, and every time you move into a new home.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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