Pre-Packing Tips When You’re Not Sure Where You’re Moving to Next

Moving is always inconvenient, but getting ready to move when you’re not even sure where you’re going can be extremely difficult. In order to pull it off successfully, you’ll need to carefully consider how you go about it. Here are four tips for pre-packing when you’re not sure where you’ll be moving next.

Put Away Decor Items First

The first step in preparing for your move should be to put away your purely decorative items. Unlike tools, kitchen items, or other things you might actually need, there’s very little functional risk to packing up your decor items. Doing this early can give you a good jump on the packing process without creating any additional inconvenience down the road. It will also give you a chance to reevaluate your decor style and decide if there are any items you’d like to sell or give away to replace when you move into your new home.

Look Into a Storage Unit

If you aren’t sure where you’ll be going, it’s very hard to tell how much space you’ll have for boxes at your new home. To hedge against the possibility that you’ll move down in storage space, it’s a good idea to look into getting a storage unit. If you don’t move too far away, you can even still hire local movers to bring your items out of your storage unit to your new house once you get settled. An additional benefit of getting a storage unit is that you can move things into it gradually and won’t feel rushed to get all of your possessions out in one day.

Set Aside a Basic Set of Essentials

To deal with the uncertainty of moving without being entirely sure where you’re heading, it’s a good idea to put together a set of basic essentials. This should be made up of a few boxes that can fit in the back of your car. To tell what should go into this set, think of yourself as if you’re moving into your first apartment again, and decide what you absolutely have to have to get by until you can bring in the rest of your belongings. This set of essentials should include basic plates and cutlery, bedding, enough clothes to get you through the week and essential hygiene items. If you are worried about having access to your other belongings, get a storage unit and put other items you think you might need in a convenient spot for easy access.

Stock up on Packing Materials

When you’re in the pre-packing stage, you should try to load up on packaging materials that will protect your items when you’re actually moving. Packing peanuts, bubble wrap and moving blankets for furniture will all help to make sure your belongings reach their destination in good shape.

These four basic tips will help you stay organized and on track, even amidst the chaos of an uncertain move. While it’s never fun to prepare for a move when you can’t tell where you’re going, these steps will make the process much more manageable.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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