Prepare For Your First Home Birth With These 7 Essentials

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The past nine months were a combination of bliss, happiness and a little bit of nervousness in the mix. Your dream of having a child is finally to come true, and you can’t hold back the excitement.

Now that it’s almost time for your bundle of joy to come into this world, you better start preparing.

According to the data collected in 2015, the national average for out of hospital births is at 2.3%. Compared to the data of the past years, there has been a significant increase. In today’s era, when people are gradually moving towards more natural alternatives, the idea of a home birth appeals to many people.

But wait?

Are you prepared to deal with the situation? Hopefully, all things will go perfectly, but it’s better to be prepared for the worst.

So, to help you with the preparations, here is a list of 7 essentials to ease the way for your first home birth experience

1. Lots of Linen

Having towels, pillows, and bundles of linen is the first thing you need to do. Even when the birth doesn’t cause much of a mess, these cloths will help make you more comfortable.

Some people even go for plastic sheeting as the first layer and then spread linen on top. Towels are also invaluable during birth. So make sure you have these items.

Avoid anything too expensive. Most of this will be unusable at the end of your delivery. You might find your local thrift shop or Salvation Army store has a good range of clean linen that is suitable for the day at a very low cost.

2. Wash Clothes

Equally essential! Wash clothes help you clean up any mess and helps keep you fresh during the birth.

Just dampen them and use them as a cool pack for your forehead. Once the baby finally arrives, these wash clothes can be used to clean up any after-birth residue on the baby.

3. Heating Pad

You’ll need all the comfort you can get during the labour. And when each contraction gets longer, you’ll need something to soothe you down.

The most natural thing to do is have a heating pad with you. A hot water bottle will also work efficiently.

4. Essential Oils

Being relaxed and keeping a cool head will help in making the home birth go smoothly. You can light scented candles to create a comfortable ambience.

Essential oils are a great way of calming the mind and body. Each oil will have a different effect. Add them to your birth pool, if you have opted for a water birth. Or just burn them to create a soothing environment.

This is a personal choice and may change on the day. As your sensitivity to food and various odours has changed throughout your pregnancy, things that once seemed sweet may turn out ot be irritating on the day. It may be that you can’t stand the smell of anything!

So, be practical. Don’t create an environment that includes anything that is going to produce stress on the body or distract you. The more you relax – however you do it – the more smoothly things will tend to go.

5. Emergency Oxygen

There are times when things might not go as planned, and for emergency situations like that, you need to have a supply of oxygen.

To ensure that both the mother and baby are not endangered in any way, you need to choose the form of emergency oxygen you might need.

This is usually a requirement for any midwife attending a home birth. Talk to them about what is required as they will usually arrange supply well in advance of your due date.

6. Things for the baby

Once your baby arrives, they would require some well-needed attention. Prepare for that by setting up baby items nearby. You’d need oil to clean the baby and clothes for your bundle of joy.

7. Sanitary Napkins

After you’ve given birth, you’re going to start bleeding. This is called lochia and to make sure you stay comfortable; it’s essential to have some sanitary pads handy.

With all these essentials prepared and set nearby, you can be sure that the home birth will go smoothly. So relish the experience of your first home birth and good luck!

Comfort is so important. It not only reduces stress but also aids in healing and recovery. Your means of comfort does not have to be complex. Avoid creating complicated systems that need your input. Keep things simple, comfortable and clean – and you are well on your way to an enjoyable and life-changing home birth delivery. Image: Pixabay CC0 License


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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