Professional Care for the Elderly At Home – A Positive Impact on Health

There are many advantages to providing elderly care in the client’s own home. There is no need to move home, spouses and pets can remain close and the client can continue to pursue membership of clubs and activities for as long as they feel able to do so. These are all reasons you may want to consider this type of care for either yourself or someone you care for and all valid reasons that make total sense.

But there are other benefits that might not be quite so obvious that stem directly from having 24-hour care and supervision available. Here, we take a look at them in more detail. They may provide thinking points for anyone looking to choose care.


One of the biggest reasons that elderly people are taken to A&E is falling.  And whilst a younger person may fall, be a bit bruised or even break a bone leading to a period of immobility, in the elderly a fall can herald the beginning of the end with many never recovering.


Some things which can help prevent falls include:

  • wearing appropriate shoes (and clothing that won’t hinder movement)
  • avoiding major changes to the layout of the home (but removing trip hazards is a must)
  • ensuring spills and dropped items are dealt with promptly
  • eating a healthy diet, including drinking sufficiently
  • taking your medicine as prescribed


In home care will cook, clean, assist with dressing and reminding to take medication. And because the person has not needed to move they will be familiar with the layout, making them less likely to stumble against chairs or tables.


Coughs and sneezes spread diseases and there are few places that disease can spread faster than in shared living arrangements. Even with the best hygiene precautions it is very easy for colds, flu and similar infections to spread throughout the residents. A mild illness in a young person can lead to serious complications – even hospitalisation – in the elderly.

Better control of conditions

Elderly people can become forgetful and confused, meaning doses of medication or sessions of treatment or physiotherapy can be missed. Simply fitting clocks which clearly show the current date, day and time can be a huge help and alarms can be set to ensure that the person is prompted to take their medication. Live in care will, of course, ensure that medication is taken on time, but they can also help by spotting changes in the condition of their client and can ensure that medical treatment is sought sooner rather than later. This can mean that chronic conditions are better managed.

More chance to remain mobile

It is undoubted that remaining mobile is key to keeping joints from stiffening and to keep healthy. Many elderly people lose motivation as they grow older. A personal carer can provide the motivation and assistance they need to perform some gentle exercises, or to walk in the garden. They can also provide the transport their client needs to allow them to attend day centres, or to participate in classes for older people or to go swimming. Even the health benefits of simply getting out of the house for a short walk are considerable for older people.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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