Qualities that Make up a Good Interior Design

Interior design is just like art where everyone has their own taste. For instance, some people will tell you that a great interior design involves mixing paints, fabrics, and textures in an excellent way. Others believe that a perfect interior design features simplicity, modern furniture, and clean lines.

Therefore, a good interior design depends on one’s style. However, there are basic elements of interior design. Interior design Dallas integrates all the seven vital elements which keep them at the top of the game. They include;


Color can change the entire appearance of your home. It can enhance a dull or bright mood.  For example, most people associate red color with ‘passion’ while green and blue colors are perceived as ‘soothing’ or ‘tranquil’. When selecting a color scheme for your room, consider visual preferences without forgetting the kind of attitude you want to cultivate in your home.


Do you remember that time when you were taken a photo in bad lighting? The photo looked dull and unpleasant. Right? No one wants to spend their time viewing such a photo and this applies to your room’s lighting. If it’s dark, it sends the wrong message and will affect your perception.

Quality lighting is a central factor in an excellent interior design. Ensure your room has good lighting. If you don’t have access to natural lighting, man-made lighting or a mixture of both will go a long way in enhancing décor in your home.


Lines assume different shapes. They could be vertical, dynamic, or horizontal. According to design experts, horizontal lines create a sense of security. Vertical lines on the other hand are bold and expressive. Dynamic lines enhance the fun and create a thrilling touch in any home if strategically used.


A pattern is a repetition of lines, forms among other design components. Patterns pop-out on fabrics or wallpaper. Furthermore, patterns can match any part of your home. They will add motion and life to your space. However, creating clashing patterns will look terrible. So, ensure that you are making the right choice of prints.


Most people confuse pattern with texture, but the two are different. The texture is how an object feels when touched, or the visual message it conveys when observed. For instance, by looking at a surface, you can tell whether it’s vintage or weathered without having to touch it all thanks to texture.

Excellent choice of texture is essential, especially for parts in your home that are prone to touch such as flooring.


Space is the heart of every design task. Space falls under two categories which include 3-D and 2-D space. The latter accounts for room width and length, while 3-D space accounts for heights. 2-D space is good when adding rugs or carpets. If you are thinking of adding new furniture or installing new shelves, consider 3D-space. Besides, it’s advisable to leave ample negative space to enhance easy navigation.


The form is a synonym for shape. It expresses the outlines of any 3D-object, furniture. Rooms and furniture sculptures assume 2 forms, which include geometric and organic forms.

If you intend to create a striking interior design, vital elements such as form, space, light, color, pattern, and texture should be your guiding factors.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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