Questions To Ask From Electric Bikes Manufacturer Before Buying Your First E Bike

E- bikes are one of the hot selling two-wheeler vehicle in Australia. It is because they are cheap  they are great for nature and your health. With the rise in demand of E bikes, plethora of electric bike manufactures and brands to have developed. The right companies for e-bike and the best electric bike manufacturers give you the right catalogue for the bikes, and they also

Here Are Some Questions To Ask Yourself

Before you invest your money it is essential that you consider asking few questions to yourself and think properly why do you need an E bike and what do you expect from it. So here are few of those things you can check on: 

  • Why Do You Need E-Bike?

Are you buying it to communicate to school college or office? Or do you want it because you want to do your cardio using your bike or it is just for recreational activity? Answering this question will help you determine the power and design of your bike. You need to check if you want to take thee or the hybrid bike through rough terrains, for your daily commute part or for any type of hiking activity.

  • How Much Will You Use Your E-Bike And The Distance That You Will Cover?

Are you going to use it daily? once or twice a week, or less than that. Choosing the best bike with the right engine and the battery will give you the finest idea of what to ask the bike manufacturers.

  • What Is Your Height And Your Weight And How Much Extra Weight Will You Carry On It?

This is one of the most essential questions to ask. This will help you determine the size and weight of your bike.  

Questions To Ask From Your Electric Bikes Manufacturer?

Once you are clear with your requirements you should look into the technical details of your E-bike. To find about the technical details you should ask the manufacturer of your electric bike the following things: 

What Type Of Pedal Power Assistance Is Used In The E-Bike.

  • The Motion Sensor: The motor of such bikes starts after 2-3 pedal rotations it doesn’t matter how slowly or quickly you pedal.
  • The Power Sensor: In this, the power assistance starts with the pedaling and the speed keeps on increasing with the speed of your pedaling.  
  • What Is The Power Of Your E-Bike?: These bikes are restricted up to 250 W as per the law. But their performance depends upon the positions of the motor and not only on the power of the motor. For example, the hill assists feature of E-bike will work great if the motor has been fixed inside the pedal axle.
  • Which Type Of Battery Is Used In Your E-Bike?: One of the essential things to know is that the actual distance covered on a full battery is usually only 70% of the range that is specified by the electric bikes manufacturer.  The anatomy of the battery will also depend on your terrain, wind, temperature, and weight. Most of the batteries have two-year service life or 500 recharge cycles.
  • What Are The Types Of Brakes Used In The Bike?: It is extremely essential that the breaks of the E-bikes are of excellent quality. Hydraulic brakes are considered as the safest brakes.
  • What Are The Protective Gear Or Accessories You Will Get?: You must check if the manufacturer of your electric bike providing you with any accessories such as a jacket, rearview mirror, a danger indicator, or helmet.

Hence it is very important that you check the tire, frame, and size along with the total weight of the bike before you go for all your expeditions.

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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