Questions to Ponder before Employing a free live Chat Service

All of us love it when something comes for free. Sometimes our experience is good, while, most of the times we get a horrible experience with the free products and services.

Similarly, the internet is full of free tools and there are vendors who claim to provide free services to businesses. But as a business owner you must ask yourself a few questions; is the free tool or service worth for your business? Will it help your enterprise meet its needs? Would it able to provide you with the required quality? There are many such questions that you must enquire yourself and the vendor before grasping the free entity.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the consequences of employing free live chat services and the questions that you must ponder before employing it.

Free live chat support service- Yes or No?

Companies outsource live chat support in order to provide a real-time assistance to its customers by responding faster to their queries, helping them even at odd hours, addressing their objections instantly and more. The whole process is done through a live chat tool. Therefore, if you’re pondering to avail free live chat support service then you must verify if the service is capable of providing all the aforementioned benefits.

Let’s see what factors every business owner must consider before availing the free live chat support service-

Is the solution reliable?

Would you or your customer ever compromise on the quality? Apparently no. The reliability of the tool depends on how it functions. If it delivers quality work then it’s great and if not then you are intelligent enough to guess what you need to do. It’s been observed that, in the beginning, these free tools produce a very good efficiency. But after some time, both the efficiency and productivity decreases which aren’t acceptable at any cost. However, when you choose to outsource live chat support then you don’t need to compromise on any aspect of the work whether it’s quality, efficiency or productivity.

Is there any guarantee of performance?

With a free service, there’s no guarantee of anything. As I stated above, the performance of the tool decreases after some time and there’s nobody accountable for it because you have bought it for free. But outsourced live chat services do have a performance guarantee. If something isn’t working well then you can grab the service provider liable for the same and get the things corrected.

What, if the tool stops working? Will instant assistance be provided?

If due to some reasons your live chat support stopped working even for a few minutes, your business can undergo a great loss. Because if you won’t be able to resolve your customer’s queries in the real-time that might help the patron in making purchase decision, you can lose many sales opportunities. This will greatly impact your business’ revenue and will bring your reputation down.

But an outsourced live chat support always has some back-ups and ensures that no such problem arises. In case any problem arises, it gets fixed in the least possible time.

Is there any data security?

Data security is the primary concern for every business. Free support cannot guarantee you of any data security and for the same reason, you can’t take any such risks. You are very well aware that you need to handle valuable and personal customer details such as debit card, credit card, and social security numbers. And you can’t play with such critical things. Therefore, it is highly recommended to stay away from free chat support.


The internet is a very enticing place where you can get a plethora of free tools and services but decision-making is in your hand. Make sure that you don’t purchase any such tool that will make you regret in the future. Before making any decision, ensure that the service offers the following factors- data security, reliability, performance guarantee, increase in ROI etc.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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