Reason for Sunstroke | Symptoms of Sunstroke | Remedies to Sunstroke

It is common to get attacked to the sunstroke when wandering in the sun during summer according to . But it is a mistaken thought that the people who are inside the house will not get the sunstroke. Due to the sun heat if the house becomes hot, there will be no difference between the road and the house. If there are no necessities of getting the hot air to go out of the house and the fresh air getting inside the house, then there are chances for the sunstroke. Reason for Sunstroke.

The temperature in the body starts increasing from time to time due to many reasons. The process of making the body becomes cool and bringing back to the normal stage of 98.4 degrees is there in our body. The hypothalamus in our mind will be in that process forever. The main function of that system is to send the heat in the body out in the form of seat and urine. it is good to take the hot bath at 5pm in the evening. It is even good to take the hot bath at the 12pm in the noon. Due to these bathing, the heat in the body is sent out and by cleaning, the body often reduced 5 degrees of heat from the body.

This system does not work though the temperature in the atmosphere reaches to 40 degrees. If the temperature crosses the limit this system fails to work. This results in the heavy heat in the body and the completely functioning system becomes weak and senseless. The enzymes in the body too do not function. There occur the problems in the kidneys and liver. In addition, even the pulse system becomes weak and all the parts of the body become functionless. Besides these problems, there occurs the feeling of fainting and high blood pressure. In some of the people, there come the swellings in the legs and vomiting too. The children and the middle-aged people fall attack of this sunstroke.

Symptoms of Sunstroke

There are seen some of the symptoms in the people who are attacked to the sunstroke. Especially their skin becomes dry and heat. In addition, their words becoming mistaken or talk non scenically. If there are no necessities of getting the hot air to go out of the house and the fresh air getting inside the house, then there are chances for the sunstroke. They forget anything very easily. As soon as these symptoms are seen, proper remedial measures are to be taken. However, if the symptoms are severe, it is better to go the hospital.

Remedies to Sunstroke

In general, we take around 3 liters of water a day. In addition to this, one liter of extra water is to be taken when spent in the heat. In the same way, it is good to take the hot bath at 5pm in the evening. It is even good to take the hot bath at the 12pm in the noon. Due to these bathing, the heat in the body is sent out and by cleaning, the body often reduced 5 degrees of heat from the body. During the summer season, more preference is to be given to the liquids. It is very good to take a glass of water in which pinch of salt, one teaspoon of glucose and ½-lime juice. In the same way, the coconut water and the rice starch is also very good for the health. It is not good to take the cool drinks but it is good to take the water after 5min after coming from the hot sun. By drinking as soon as we came from the sun heat there is a chance of fainting. It is better to avoid, the masala and fries during summer season.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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