Reasons Not to Renew Your Office Space Lease and Move to Another Place

Once you finish your office lease, it is time to decide whether you will continue or not. You feel torn because both options seem okay. You want to stay so that the office operations will continue. On the other hand, you might believe that the current space is not conducive for the status of your business. It could be a practical decision if you choose not to renew the lease and look for a different space for these reasons.

Sometimes, a change of place does wonders for your business, and sometimes it can have adverse effects for the same. However, in our experience, we have seen that moving to newer office spaces has a positive impact on businesses. There are plenty of reasons for the same. We look at some of the most pertinent ones below.

You do not feel comfortable with the same space

 You are already growing as a company, and you keep hiring more people to join the team. As such, it is not an excellent idea to remain. If you do not feel comfortable with the environment, your employees probably feel the same way too. You should instead find a bigger office space than what you have now and ensure that everyone feels comfortable.

If you are planning, you need to have a space that compliments your growth and projections. This will also help raise the motivation of employees as a bigger office space, translates into more growth and potential.

You do not like the location

 When you started the company, you thought of leasing a space in that area because of the cheap rental cost. You did not care about the site since the primary goal was to reduce the cost. Now that you have many employees, it might not be a good thing for you to stay in the same location. It is not easy to access. You also want to be in a place where you are next to other growing businesses like yours.

Having a good office space is a good business district is a great indicator for the health of your company. Clients feel encouraged when there is a good address that they look forward to working with. Better locations, also attract better human resources or employees.

You want a new beginning

 You might have been in the same office space for several years, and you want a fresh start. You might have already encountered several issues while you stayed there. You might have fought with many people. You might have fired some employees. You might have faced trouble with your business. Staying in the same space will most likely remind you of a painful past, and you want to start over.

If you want to build a new future, three or four years down the line, a new space will offer you all the avenues for the same. Even if you are planning a new vertical for your business, you would want it to start from a new space.

You found a better place

 At the start of the business, your priority was to find a place where you can immediately commence business operations. You did want to be too fussy since it could delay the process. Now that you already found a new place and you love it, you have no reason to stay. It could be a more suitable environment given your regular operations. You can do various tasks with ease.

Once you find the perfect place where you could move to, you might want to start finalizing your plans. Inform your current landlord that you do not intend to renew the lease. You also need to sign the new contract so you can start moving your stuff. Let your employees know about the plan so they can also do the same. Hire specialists in end of tenancy cleaning London offers before you leave as a way of saying thank you to the landlord who allowed you to stay in the space for some time. You can find professional cleaners who know what to do to make the place look as good as new. It is imperative that you do not undertake this task personally, as it would be a very tiring and troublesome affair. Moving computers, servers, heavy office electronic equipment that is expensive should be ideally left to experts.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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