Reasons Why People Still Reject Your Promotional Merchandise Even When Given for Free

You feel excited about handing out free merchandise to your loyal customers and target audience. You think that you are doing them a favor by offering an item that they do not need to pay for. You hope that they will remain loyal to your brand or consider buying the things that you provide if you decide to give away promotional items.

Unfortunately, it is not always the case. Even though you are giving something free, some people will still reject it. People do not need things that do not serve any value for them. Gone are those days when people would accept absolutely anything free. Now due to changed perceptions, people are careful about what to accept. Considerations like space, respect, and integrity often feature high on their priority list. These are some reasons why your promotional items might not be appealing to some people.

They are low-quality:

When giving something for free, you do not want to spend a considerable chunk of your budget. It is understandable for you to want to cut the cost, but do not reach the point where you are giving something worthless. The promotional item should hold some value from a good product or service point of view. It should not come across as an afterthought.

People will see it as a liability more than a present. When giving them a pen that barely works, they might end up throwing it away. The same thing is true for any other item that you are giving away. It also sends a message that you think of people as cheap individuals who will accept anything for free, and it is quite insulting.

The name of your company is too big:

These items are promotional because they will help boost your brand. With their help, it is easy for you to let everyone know about your company. The name and logo on the items will help spread the word about your business when the recipient decides to use or wear them.

You need to be smart and convince people that the free item is more useful for them rather than for your brand. At no point should consumers feel that by free promotions, you are trying to convert them into your advertising models. The problem is when the font is too big. If you are handing out free shirts, and the name and logo occupy almost the entire space, no one will want to wear it. You are making them models for your brand without them getting paid. Again, it is an insult to them.

The items are not true to your brand:

You need to give out items that people will find useful, but are also relevant to what you are selling. They choose your brand not only because of the quality of the products you offer but also because of your values. For instance, if you are selling organic items, you want everyone to stay healthy. Therefore, giving out sweet treats is contrary to what your business stands for. Be careful in determining what to give away since your effort, if not well thought out, could hurt your company.

Whatever you give away as promotional items should be related to your brand in some way or another. It should not be there just for the sake of giving it out. It is always a good idea to give out promotional items from your existing stock. This convinces customers of its authenticity and genuineness.


The point is that not everyone will appreciate what you are giving out. Even if people accept the items because they are free, there is no guarantee that they will use them. They will also not feel motivated to jump to your brand because you gave them something.

On the contrary, they might also think that you are looking for a cheap means to attract attention. The communication that you send out with the free item is also equally important. Please do not make the mistake of appearing charitable. People really do not like that. Like any advertising campaign you plan to launch, you need to think of the consequences of your actions.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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