Reasons Why Some Physicians Decide to Leave Their Job

When you run a hospital, you want only the best physicians to work with you. It does not make any sense to open a medical establishment when you do not have highly qualified professionals providing services.

It will hurt your reputation and patients will decide to look for other hospitals. The problem is that physicians are always in demand. They could resign from their current post and find a job the following day.

It is worrying that in your business you know that your employees could decide to leave whenever they wish. Understanding their possible reasons for leaving will help you find a way to prevent them.

Sometimes it is too annoying because some of the hospital management do not maintain sanitation and hygiene which leads to failure of their treatment. Sometimes the doctors are blamed for it, but no one looks at the condition of the hospital which makes the doctors leave that hospital.

Long hours at work:

Doctors already expect to be busy given the nature of the job. They also assume that they will be required to work even in the middle of the night, especially during emergencies. However, you need to understand that they are humans too and they need to take rest. Asking them to work for more extended hours will turn them off and make them decide to leave.

Not only that, how will they be able to help their patients and they fall sick by continuous work and pressure. The patients can only stay healthy when doctors are healthy.


The medical profession is highly in demand and competitive. People need doctors and hospitals will always consider physicians applying for a post. Therefore, if you fail to give them the remuneration they deserve, it is easy for them to walk away to find a better job.

You might end up with fresh graduates or those who are yet to have extensive experience in the field.  Sometimes this kind of experiences proves to be really irritating because you get confused between should you give proper training of the workplace or treat the emergency patients first.

Too much paperwork:

Being a doctor alone is already difficult. Dealing with patients, analyzing tests, studying different cases and working with other medical professionals is no joke. Asking the physicians to also deal with tons of paperwork could be too much for them to handle.

You need to hire someone else to do the job especially if dealing with those documents does not require the employee to have a medical degree. Sometimes the document works are so much that the doctor feels obliged before doing any kind of further treatment, which can affect his efficiency at work.

Lack of facilities:

Doctors depend on the facilities you have at the hospital to provide quality treatment to their patients. They need to run tests and analyze them. They might not offer correct diagnosis or prescriptions if they do not have medical equipment and supplies with them.

Changes in the medical world happen all the time. If these doctors could not deal with such changes due to the lack of support from the hospital, they might decide to leave. Their reputation would be at stake if they fail to offer quality care. Plus, it can also lead your hospital to shut down due to lack of minimum patients.

Better offer:

It is possible for physicians to accept other job posts if they receive an offer which is better than what you currently offer. They might not be dissatisfied about their job, but if given a different opportunity, they might accept it. Therefore, you also need to understand what your competitors are offering, so you will be aware of where you stand.

If you want to hire the best physicians and keep them, you need help from medical recruitment firms such as You can ask for their services since they are experts in hunting the best people to do the job.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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