Relationship between Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Diabetes

Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fats believed to have a lot of mineral benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids get their name from the structure of their molecules in which the first of the several double bonds occurs three carbon atoms away from end of carbon chain. There are three types of omega 3 fatty acids, but they both have similar health significance. These minerals are found mostly in fish and other marine life.

Healing Effects

Research shows that properties ascribed to omega 3 fatty acids appear to be particularly applicable to diabetic patients where the need for nontraditional preventive or therapeutic measures is even in higher levels than cardiovascular disease in general. Although omega 3 fatty acids have much more health benefits starting from heart, nutrition and metabolism, at this level they tend to be more beneficial both to diabetic patients and also everyone who wishes to avoid the risk of diabetes.

Body Functions

Omega 3 fatty acids are capable of exerting a strong influence on cell growth and differentiation. The exposition of genes involved in cell growth, differentiation, synthesis of lipid and inflammation and potentially affects insulin sensitivity. Enhancement of lipid oxidation and thermo genesis, omega 3 fatty acids is also associated with improvement of glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in the skeletal muscles as well as increase glycogen storage. These effects are thereafter very important in diabetic patients. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids also appear to control the expression of inflammatory genes like cytokines, adhesion molecules and factors of growth that mostly relies on the activation of transcription factors. They also have been ascribed with ant arrhythmic properties through modulation of ions channel.

Case Studies

Furthermore, research shows that there is low prevalence of diabetes disease in Greenland and Alaskan Eskimos. The same results have been found in people living in the Faroe Islands. The common thing about the places shown above is that they are much known for high intake of omega 3 fatty acids. Moreover, in within the Alaskan population, those with the highest intake of fish have a reduced tendency to glucose intolerance.

Age Factor

Conversely, fish intake also correlates with the risk of overt diabetes and future glucose intolerance in the population of elderly Dutch. Dietary habits have also shown the significance on the incidence of diabetes. In addition, studies in the area have shown that immigrants to India acquire a high incidence of diabetes and this leads to high intake of omega 3 fatty acids. This has led to inverse affection by a significance reduction in the ratio. In patients with type 2 diabetes, a dose-response effect of omega 3 fatty acids could only be demonstrated on cholesterol and triglyceride levels. That is, for every increase in omega 3 fatty acids of 1 gram per day cholesterol concentration significantly increases by 0.14 moles per liter. The dose-response relationship between omega 3 fatty acids and lipid parameters has been less clear in patients with type 1 diabetes according to research.

Improved Brain Function

Several studies have also shown that children who consume food rich in omega 3 fatty acids tend to improve their brain functions, including memory, concentration, creativity and problem-solving skills. This has also been demonstrated in adult population across the world. With improved brain function, you are more likely to make healthier food choices and hence maintain a healthy weight. On the other hand, people who face mental challenges usually resort to junk foods which lead to weight gain, and hence increase the risk of type-2 diabetes.


For a long time, Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to be related to diabetes. To some extent, omega 3 fatty acids tend to reduce the levels, prevalence and risk of contracting diabetes. On the other hand, they tend to increase the level of diabetes. However, the positive benefits part still dominates the contradicting part of the whole issue only applies to certain people. The significant part of omega 3 fatty acids tends to take part of everything since it does not only deal with diabetes but also has some other nutrition and health benefits. If you can’t get foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you can take supplements to compensate for this vital ingredient.

Meighan Sembrano

Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumer Health Digest. She is a social worker who spends her time searching about health, beauty and lifestyles fitness related articles.

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