Securing Your House During Your Home Renovations

Tackling a big project such as home renovation will require a lot of time, effort and money. On top of that, you’ll need to make sure that your property is secure enough. Burglars will find any chance to trespass and potentially rob you, so you should make sure that your house is well-secured during this time. Also, everyone’s safety should be guaranteed, so you should pay attention to appropriate signage, and several other aspects. Let’s see what you’ll need to make sure of to secure your house during a home renovation.

Update security systems

Burglars won’t waste a second trying to take advantage of an open and poorly secured home. That’s why you should look into updating your security systems during renovation. The fact that many people will walk in and out of your home, during the day, gives intruders the liberty to make their move. Consider installing temporary motion sensors during construction. Add a permanent burglar alarm system after the construction is done to ensure peace of mind for an entire family. Outdoor motion-activated lighting can also be of great use. Not only will it illuminate all sides of the house, but also shine the light around temporary fencing around the perimeter of your property. The light can easily reach a gate or chain-link across the driveway, which will alert the burglars and chase them away. You can also hire a security guard or instal a surveillance system. That way, you can monitor the entire property conveniently. The guard will have the chance to regularly inspect the interior and perimeter of your home. Be it water leaks, smoke, or intruders, it’s always good to have someone check on the house when the construction workers are away.

Protect your belongings

Exposed walls can be an open invitation for all the burglars and leave valuable belongings exposed. One of the safest options for protecting your valuables is to have a safe that you’ll bolt down or keep it safely stowed away. A small enough safe won’t prevent burglars from carrying it out. So, it’s important that the safe is big and heavy enough for them to need to leave it behind. Secure the safe behind locked doors. If you have valuables that won’t fit in a safe, renting a storage garage can be a good option too.

Hang appropriate signage

You can never be too safe with construction works. That’s why even if all the works are clearly visible, you should still hang signage with a warning that the construction is in progress. By placing corflute signs all over the construction site, you can easily inform anyone about the work that’s being done on the premises. That way, you’ll avoid any possible injuries that often happen because of a lack of adequate safety signage.

Clean out every day after work is done

You should have an agreement with the contractor that all the machinery and tools need to be safely sorted once the work for the day is done. Having saws, hammers, drills, and other heavy machinery lying around the construction site can be dangerous and very irresponsible. You never know who can come by and accidentally injure themselves. Therefore, make sure the house is always clutter-free.

Protection against fires

Construction projects tend to involve electrical wiring and highly combustible materials throughout the house. If unattended or poorly maintained, those can lead to a fire. To help avoid fire damage to your home, you can keep a sufficient number of fire extinguishers on each level of the house. Preferably one in the vicinity of the construction spot. Installing a sprinkler system and a UL-listed water flow alarm can also be a smart choice. If you are building a new home from scratch, you’ll benefit a lot from installing a temporary fire alarm with heat sensors. You can invest in a permanent system once your home is completed. Arrange to have the work site cleaned up, and all debris and flammable materials removed at the end of each day.

Befriend the neighbours for extra protection

If you’ve just moved into the neighbourhood, it would be a good idea to start getting to know your neighbours early on. They can be on alert when they have spare time and make sure nobody is lurking around your property. In case they notice anything suspicious, they can try to distract the potential intruders and immediately let you know about it.

Final thoughts

Securing your house during home renovation is essential to make sure your home is safe from intruders. Moreover, you should make sure that everyone spending time at the construction site is safe from any injuries and accidents. By updating your security systems, hanging appropriate signage, storing your belongings and befriending the neighbours, you’ll have peace of mind and all the work will run smoothly.

David Fenton

I am David Fenton, professional blogger and informative content writer. He loves to write about Automotive, home improvement, & Business topics.

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