Services to Get Referrals for When Moving Into Your First Home

Moving into your first home is an exciting process, but it also requires a bit of work. While you’re getting settled in, don’t forget to seek referrals for a number of key services you’ll need down the road. Whenever an unexpected problem arises or something in the home breaks, you’ll want to call someone in to fix it right away. You don’t want to rely on the first company that appears on Google. You’re much better off calling a proven professional who has the backing of people in your area. Ask around as you meet your neighbors, and make sure you get referrals for these key services.


Between lights, internet service, and appliances, there’s a lot in your home that requires electricity to function. If you suddenly find yourself with electrical issues, it could be a serious inconvenience. It may affect your heating, cooling, and ability to keep your food cold. If you don’t have an electrician’s number handy, you could even be tempted to try to solve the problem yourself. This is a bad idea, since electrical work can be highly dangerous for novices. Instead, ask around so you have the best local electrician’s number on your phone.


No matter how careful you are or how nice of a home you’ve purchased, you’re bound to have plumbing issues sooner or later. An experienced, reliable plumber is essential if you want to count on using your toilets, sinks, and showers. It’s a terrible feeling to suddenly find that your water or drainage systems aren’t working. Having a plumbing services company on speed dial will eliminate a lot of this stress.


From appliances to garage doors, there are a lot of mechanical products in a home that are always liable to break. Having a handyman you can call is a great way to keep everything in working order. Unless you’re great with tools yourself, you need someone who can come quickly and get the odd jobs done. Aside from mechanical repairs, a handyman can help repair locks, windows, doors, cabinets, etc. If there is one type of service to have for your home, it’s a general handyman. 


If you dream of a gorgeous yard but lack the time for all that watering and weeding, then you need to find an affordable and reliable landscaping company. Your neighbors can help point you toward landscapers who have the tools and experience to whip your yard into shape. Hiring a landscaping service will be especially beneficial when spring and summer roll around. It will take stress off your shoulders of trying to recover your yard after winter. They will also help you trim and prune your trees, which can be a potentially dangerous task if attempted on your own. 

You don’t want to settle into your new home, only to be blindsided by a sudden problem without a ready-made solution. By getting referrals for all these services, you’ll prepare yourself for whatever the future throws at you and keep your home in working order at all times. It’s almost inevitable that something will go wrong at some point while living in your new home. You’ll likely need a repair person down the road, so why not take measures now to find someone you can trust. 

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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