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Shed Garages – The Ideal Solution To Get Extra Storage Space

Over the last few decades, most car owners have begun to take their vehicles as not just a mere mode of transport, but as luxury pieces that they hold close to their heart. Therefore, most car owners give a lot of attention to car maintenance and its upkeep. This is why garages have an important place while designing your property. We know that space is at a premium and therefore, even when planning a garage, we have to attempt to maximise the utility of that space. This is why there is focus on using garage as a place for storage and a place to house the vehicle. Apart from storage, garages can be designed as recreational rooms and can be converted into studios also.

Before you go in for a garage, you need to understand your needs first:

  • How many vehicles do you plan to park in your garage?
  • Do you want a new garage, an extension or an independent shed garage?
  • What mechanical systems do you plan to install?
  • What type of flooring, lighting, wall do you prefer?
  • A DIY sheds or a contractor?
  • Whether you need a brick garage, timber garage or a metal garage?

If you plan storage to be a significant part of your garage, then you need to plan about:

  • Different types of tool racks.
  • A box storage.
  • Variants of open shelves.
  • Other overhangs, like cycles, that can be hung from the ceiling.

Before deciding about storage types, you must visualize and write down what type of items will be stored and how will you access these for use in the workshop area. Once this is done, you would get an idea of what is required to store the tools.

Garage lighting

If you plan to use the garage also as a work place, you need both ambiance lighting as well as task lighting. Ambiance lighting is of use for general visibility and ensures that there is no dark area in the garage. Task lighting is for the work bench where specific focused light is needed to work on any intricate components.

Garage flooring and wall

Depending on the type of vehicle, you must choose appropriate flooring material. Wall colour should be chosen that should gel with the flooring and storage cabinet.

Shed Garage

Garage sanction and approval

Shed construction may need to have approval from local bodies or councils to construct and to make sure that everything is in accordance with local laws and building regulations.

Garage Design

Every design has its advantages. The traditional timber framed garages will blend the garage to your garden and you may also use log cabin style of design both of which will be on the higher side in terms of expense and time . The metal garages are the least expensive and easy to construct.

Shed garages are constructed as stand alone structures. It helps the owner to work in the garage without disturbing others in their house. They can have a workplace away from any distraction and can undertake activities like welding or painting without exposing family members to the chemical sprays and fumes.

The most common designs these garages are:

  • Mini Barn
  • Villa
  • Cape Garage
  • Dutch Garage
  • Quaker
  • Cape
  • Carriage house
  • Cottage

Each of these designs are different in subtle ways in its plan and aesthetics. One may choose any design of these garage shed based according to your needs and suitability with the landscape. Since these garages are independent structures, they would most probably need sanction from local authorities to ensure compatibility of materials with the local weather, safety of structure, consumption of electricity, etc. with caveats regarding offering the garage for rental use.

Harry Caesar

Harry Caesar is an avid, Melbourne-based blog writer who is fond of writing on various industry niches and has composed write-ups on variety of topics in his journey so far.

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