Should You Start Your Own Make-Up Tutorial Blog or YouTube Channel?

So, you love beauty, and you think you have some pretty good skills when it comes to creating great make-up looks. Maybe you are a professional in the beauty industry or you are self-taught and only really use your skills on yourself, but either way, you’d like to share your tips and tricks with other beauty lovers online.

There are a few ways to do this. You can either create a YouTube channel and make beauty tutorial videos to upload on it, create your own blog and put video and photo tutorials on there, or submit your tutorials to bigger websites that post user generated beauty content. These all have their pros and cons, which we will look at here to help you decide which is right for you:

A YouTube Channel

YouTube is where a lot of people go for make-up tips and tutorials, or for inspiration to help them find a look to try out for a special occasion. This means you’ll have access to a pretty big audience, but also a lot of competition from other video bloggers. To build up a presence, you’ll need to make videos regularly and build up your channel, so this isn’t a great route if you only have a couple of things you want to make tutorials about, but if you have loads of ideas for interesting beauty content then you could certainly get more views on ytfab if your videos are good.

You will of course have to learn how to make videos and be willing to appear in your own videos – even without make-up on (unless you have models you can use). You’ll also need to learn how to tag videos well on YouTube and how to promote your videos using things like social media.

A Blog

A blog can be a good option if you have a lot of ideas that aren’t all necessarily suitable for DIY videos, for instance if you want to also write posts about celebrity beauty. You can embed YouTube videos on your site, but also publish written and photo content, so you can vary the type of thing you have on your blog. You can even add in very short content like memes to vary things up more, for instance by making your own funny comics about beauty disasters using Rage Maker. A blog is also good if you want to collaborate with other people, as you can publish things written or made by friends without diluting your brand.

A blog does require some management and you will also need to learn how to promote it, plus keep to a regular posting schedule.

Posting on Existing Blogs

The easiest option if you just want to get your tutorials out there is to submit them to existing beauty blogs. Then, all of the management and marketing is done for you, and you may well be seen by a bigger audience. However, the downside to this is that you can’t really build up your own brand this way, and if you are looking to do your tutorials as a business thing, it gives you far less options for making money from them.

Promote Your Youtube Channel

Youtube video promotion is the 2nd step after uploading a video. Either you can go for an organic view from social media sites, blogs, or paid advertisements. You may not get good views and likes on your video if you don’t promote it but video promotion work takes time and effort. If you don’t have extra time you may use these 11 best YouTube bots for safe automation (2020) tools for scheduling, posting, and monitoring the traffic on video.

As you can see there are different approaches, and which is best for you depends on how much involvement you want, and what your goals are.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.

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