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Sick And Tired Of Doing Meditation The Old Way? Read This

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Meditation is becoming a lot more popular in recent times. With the increasing number of people who continually discover the really amazing benefits of this practice, it is no doubt as to why a lot more are encouraged and determined to start meditating as soon as possible.

But, while the trend shows an increasing course, there are those individuals who get tired of the old and traditional practice. For some reason, others find this simple and easy practice as a tedious process. In other cases, the meditation customs are not done properly, which invalidates all the amazing feedback about it.

If you are still in the early stages of practicing meditation, or you are trying to find your way back into doing it or even just looking around because you are curious, this article will help you. As it happens, this piece will give you enough information about meditation.

What is Meditation

Most people already know what is meditation. While the common reception about is that it is a practice of mindfulness, meditation is not only about it. The truth is – it is a practice of different kinds of techniques, which mainly includes mindfulness and other mind-focusing activities, to enhance and train one’s attention and awareness.

When proper meditation is executed, this can provide benefits to the mind, emotion, and even one’s will given that it can help individuals achieve the state wherein they can be at peace, calm, focused, and relaxed.

As per experts, meditation can be quite difficult to explain. The reason being is that some practices are mainly performed because of religions and traditions. As for others, it is a practice for the purpose of improving the quality of life in a holistic manner.

How to Meditate

As mentioned, meditation is simply achieving your most calm and relaxed state, wherein you are focused on your mind without all of the distractions. And to do this effectively, you will need to focus on your breath.

It is worth noting that when you pay attention to your breath, in and out, you will notice how your thoughts can easily wander, which apparently clutters the mind with unnecessary and unhelpful thoughts. So, by focusing on your breaths, you will know how to return to the present moment and remain in it.

Types of Meditation

Paying attention to your breath as you sit or lie down in a quiet place is probably the most common practice for meditation. In most cases, people who experience stress, physical pain like headache or back pain, and other inconvenient sensations tend to meditate to alleviate the situation that they are in.

While this is a very effective practice to do, some individuals may feel “sick and tired” of the same routine. This is why many would stop meditating despite experiencing the benefits of it. Little did they know that there are also other types of meditation practices that one can do regularly.

By and large, there are seven common types of meditation today. And if you are looking for a new way to practice meditation, this might help:

  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Progressive Relaxation (Body Scan Meditation)
  • Breath Awareness Meditation
  • Transcendental Meditation
  • Zen Meditation
  • Kundalini Yoga

Keep in mind that these are only some of the different kinds and types of meditation. Also, there are as well “subtypes” and sub-categories that fall under each type. Accordingly, you can pretty much find the most appropriate one for you depending on your needs and wants.

Benefits of Meditation

The main benefit of meditation is said to be the effective achieving of one’s most focused, relaxed, and present state. Since one would feel very much aware of the present moment, it blows away all of the thoughts that distract one’s attention.

But, aside from making you feel more present and aware, there are also other benefits that meditation can offer to each practitioner. And based on claims, these benefits are scientifically proven.

Some of these benefits include the following:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Emotional Health Improvements
  • Physical Health Improvements
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Reduces Anxiety and Depression
  • Increases Attention Span
  • May Help Combat Addiction
  • Decreases Risks of Memory-Related Conditions
  • Relieves Physical Pain
  • Relieves Tension
  • Improves Sleep Quality
  • Declutters The Mind
  • Promotes Better Thoughts
  • Improves Mindfulness

Unexpected Ways of Doing Meditation

Another great benefit of meditation is the fact that you can do it anytime and anywhere. This notion alone beats all the inconveniences of the other practices outside meditation.

With this thought at hand, it is quite safe to say that there are also unexpected ways or practices that you can do to meditate. In fact, you may have probably done some of these without actually knowing that you are already meditating.

  1. Gazing Meditation

Gazing meditation is simply the practice of gazing at something, whether within your surroundings or outside your direct vantage points. But, instead of filling your mind with thoughts that are distracting, try to focus on thoughts that provoke calmness and tranquility.

  1. Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is simply the practice of meditation as you walk. There are times that your mind would “fly away” because of cluttering thoughts and ideas. But, to maximize your walking session, try focusing on your breath in every step that you make.

  1. Just Breathe

Just by simply breathing, you can already meditate effectively. The only thing that you need to do is to mind your breaths, in and out. You may also include the body scan meditation wherein you try to follow the paths of your breaths inside your body.

  1. Mindful Music Listening

While listening to the music of your choice, you can also practice meditation. In fact, some guided meditation practices in recent times are accompanied by suitable background music to further soothe the ambiance.

  1. Do Your Chores

Surprisingly, you can be very mindful and aware as you do your regular chores. Whether it may be your laundry or the dishes earlier that day, you can heighten your awareness and become mindful of your actions and thoughts. Just by simply focusing on your thoughts and your breaths, you can practically meditate while being productive.

How Long Should You Meditate to Get Real Results?

To reap the benefits of meditation, it is very much recommended for you to practice it regularly. But, despite what most experts recommend today, many actual practitioners attest that some of the benefits can be actually experienced already even just after one session of meditation.

Nevertheless, the case may be dependent on the practitioner’s actual state and condition. So, to fully enjoy the amazing results of the practice, meditate regularly.

Generally, many old practitioners tell beginners that one meditation practice is better than no meditation at all. Hence, it is quite safe to say that having to do it even once a week will already provide real results and benefits.

The Bottom Line

Meditation is fairly easy to do. Not only that you can do it anytime and anywhere, but you can also do it at your pace. The truth is – it varies depending on your personal preference. Yet, the benefits will still be the same. So, if you haven’t started yet doing meditation or you are finding new ways to do the practice, look back at some points given above and see for yourself.

Jessica Ann

Jessica Ann is an established blogger cum writer and has written many blogs across the spectrum but specializes mainly in weight loss niche