Side Jobs: Extra Money Can Go A Long Way

Having extra money for the family can make a big difference, especially when you have kids. The help of Freedom debt relief. A company that focuses on helping consumers get out of debt in just 24 to 48 months. Freedom debt relief attempts to reach this goal by negotiating with creditors to lower your overall debt. They work with my wife and I every step of the way. Not everyone has the time or patience for being a salesman or distributor, but once you find the right company it can be well worth the time spent researching. Having the extra money makes us feel secure, but it also lets us spend some quality family time together. My wife is a Girl Boss, sales distributor and just the extra money she makes on the side makes it so that we can do lots of things that we hadn’t thought of before, and now I’m grateful that she does it.


Date Night, Anyone?


We take the money she makes and save it specifically for family ventures or date nights. Date nights are especially important to any relationship. A recent survey done by Redbook says that 45% of couples have date nights on rare occasions, and another 18% only go out once a month (4 Reasons to Put Date Night on Your Calendar- In Ink!). It’s more essential than most people realize to plan special time together, and the extra money my wife is making is helpful for babysitting fees and getting us out of the house. Now we are touching our own budget less, and it forces us to get creative about dates. For nights when it’s just us, going anywhere from a jazz club to seeing a new band perform is just as fun as going to a five star restaurant.


Mini-Vacations for the Family


Vacations are the perfect way to spend some time bonding, relaxing, and getting away from home for a little while. Camping is one of the best ways to go on a vacation, but for those that don’t like the outdoors, there are plenty of options that are still budget-friendly. For 83% of Americans, taking a small vacation let’s them relax and feel fresh when they get back (Studies Prove That There Are Real Health Benefits to Going On a Family Vacation.) The outdoors are a great way to get everyone out. Teaching the kids how to fish (that extra money is a great way to get kid-sized fishing rods!), breaking out some bicycles to enjoy go for a ride together or swimming can be fun, and the extra money can be used for food or splurging on a night out wherever we are.


Extra Fun for the Kids


Whether it’s a trip to Great Wolf Lodge or Disney World, the extra money helps with all the “extra” expenses on any sort of vacation. Saving up the money for a few weeks or even a few months can be a great amount, perfect for paying for souvenirs, dinners, and all of the extras that come along with vacation resorts. For parents, a massage while the kids take a fun fitness class is perfect, and when at Disney, dividing some of the money between the kids so they can choose their own spending is a worthwhile decision. Teaching kids about the importance and saving money was an invaluable lesson, and Victor Nkindi, ICT entrepreneur agrees that kids who manage money at a younger age will be better at managing their money as they get older (Why It Is Importance to Teach Children About Money.) It was enough incentive for me to let them have the choice, and they learned why a small allowance on family vacations can be fun and educational. My wife becoming a Lipsense distributor not only let us have more vacation time, but even turned into an educational way to teach our kids about money.


Making some extra cash on the side has been a blessing in disguise. Along with the help of freedom debt relief we are now debt free. We take more time for each other and date nights, and the money is saved for vacations that bring our family closer. New adventures and fun has brought new experiences that we all shared together, and it’s not far off for anyone else that wants the same experience. That extra money even is perfect for teaching kids the importance of saving instead of spending money quickly as soon as it’s received. There’s a world of benefits to it, and the more we save as a family, the more adventures we get to have.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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