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Significance of Egg Donation Process

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If a couple living in Australia who wishes to have a child but is experiencing infertility problems cannot be helped through procedures such as in vitro fertilization, then they may want to consider using Aussie egg donors.  What donor eggs do is that they let an infertile woman carry a child and give birth.  You could be a candidate for donor eggs if you have any of the following conditions:

Premature ovarian failure; diminished ovarian reserve; genetically transmitted diseases that could be passed on to your child; a previous history of failure with IVF, most especially if your doctor believes that the quality of your eggs is causing the difficulty.

Using donor eggs is becoming more common now than ever before, and this is especially true with women over 40.  Another good selling point for the technique is that it has the highest success rate of all fertility procedures.


Nowadays, the use of donated eggs has increased quite a bit over what it was even just a few years ago.  At least one of the reasons for this is that women who are over the age of 40 decide to start or wish to expand their family.  Perhaps they felt they didn’t have the time earlier when they were building their careers, but now they can slow down and concentrate their energies on a child or another child.

Now let’s discuss the significance and true fact of the egg donation process:

Finding an Appropriate Egg Donor

While most of the time egg donation Australia is anonymous, there are some couples who desire to know who their egg donor is and even create a legal contract for the donation of the eggs.  If the donor is friendly with the couple, the donor may even want to receive updates once the child is born or even ask to be allowed to visit.  An egg donor contract that precisely and clearly states the terms of any future relationship between the individuals involved should always be signed, even when the donor is a close friend or relative.

Availability of Donors

If you should opt to use donor eggs, consult with your fertility clinic and ask if they have any available donors that they have previously screened.  Because the procedure is so much in demand nowadays, some clinics have long waiting lists, so you might opt to find a donor through one of the many egg donor agencies and registries out there.  Some couples even advertise for donors in college newspapers or other publications that young women are known to read.

While finding a donor yourself can be much faster than going through the extended waiting process of a busy clinic, there is one serious disadvantage which could change your mind:  You will be responsible for interviewing the donor yourself instead of having a professional screen and evaluate her.  Besides the personality evaluation that takes place, it’s essential that any donors be tested for genetic disorders or diseases such as HIV.

Egg donor programs don’t all have the same exact requirements, but you can depend on most of them to conduct extensive screening and give you detailed information about the medical history, background, and education of the donor.

Legal Rights of Egg Donors and Recipients

There are a whole host of legal issues that come up when Aussie egg donors are used by infertile couples.  To protect yourself the egg donor contract should specifically state that the donor waives all parental rights forever.  It should also state that any children born from the donated eggs are the legitimate children of the couple having the procedure done.

Other Issues

Couples using egg donation Australia must normally carry all the costs involved.  However, it wouldn’t hurt to check your insurance company’s coverage of these procedures, and ask for a written statement of the benefits they provide.  Keep in mind that you’ll be paying for your own procedure, as well as for the donor’s medical expenses, which also includes any extra expenses due to complications that could arise from the egg retrieval process.  This would include bleeding, infection, and injury to the bladder or abdominal organs.

Furthermore, the donor usually receives a fixed fee for her participation in the process.  This amount should be carefully stated in the contract which both parties must sign.  The method of payment (such as partial payments before and after egg retrieval) depends on the specifics of the contract.  The contract should also be clear on what will happen should the donor change her mind before her eggs are retrieved.

One last thing to consider is that because you may not get pregnant with the first treatment, you might want to ask the donor if she would be willing to donate eggs a second time and then place that requirement in the contract.

Biography:  Jake Hyet is an expert on Aussie egg donors, and, having worked in the fertility field for many years.  He has written extensively on these topics as well as others pertaining to fertility.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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