Signs That Your Loved One May Be Drifting Away

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There are many instances in which couples begin to drift apart. It can happen even to those who have been strong, united and happy. The worst part is that you may not even realise that your loved one has drifted away, due to the other day to day commitments which you may have.

Miscommunication or even the absence of communication is one of the main causes why couples drift apart. You start making assumptions that may not even be true. You stop sharing things and start focusing on facing your struggles individually. Instead of understanding your loved one, you start trying to fix each other.

As you drift apart from your spouse, you start overlooking his or her strengths and focus on his or her flaws. You start having a false fantasy where you imagine how good life would have been if you were single or with someone else.

When two people are very busy with work, family life and so on, it can be nigh impossible to find time to concentrate on one another in the way in which you used to. However, by putting in some efforts it can be possible to avoid situations that make you drift apart.

How to stop yourselves from growing apart

Before anything negative happens and you do begin to drift apart, don’t you think that you should make “couple time” a regular fixture in your week. Mix the days up so that they don’t become routine. You want to stay as far away from routine as possible. Seeing the same person day in day out can obviously become a little tedious but you need to focus on fun and on sharing. You need to never lose sight of the happiness and connection you first found together.

An excellent date night idea is the cinema, perhaps an intimate restaurant or if you are the adventurous type why not do something crazy like skydiving or paintballing. Anything which starts you both laughing and having fun will have the effect of bringing you both closer together, cementing the connection which you share.

Signs to look out for

There are quite a few warning signs that your loved one may well be drifting. You may feel this without knowing quite why as you will by now know each other extremely well and will be able to tell that something is wrong.

Add this to some of the following and you will need to talk to your spouse:

  • There never seems to be the usual amount of money in your joint account. Are there unexplained transactions or is your husband or wife taking out abnormal sums of money from the account and are unable to explain exactly where this is going? This could be a sign that there is something untoward going on.
  • Has your spouse suddenly become quite sullen and unresponsive? Perhaps they are not paying you the attention they used to. Perhaps they are all but ignoring you. If this is the case then there is certainly some sort of problem going on and it needs to be addressed.

These are only a few signs to be on your guard for. All relationships go through down times, in the case of an affair you may find yourself calling one of the experienced family law attorneys such as law firm for advice.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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