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Why You Shouldn’t Call It Quits – Signs Your Relationship is Worth Saving

relationships-to-sustainRelationships aren’t easy. They require hard work and attention. Sometimes relationships need to end, but sometimes they just need a little extra TLC. But how do you know the difference? If you’re not sure if you should be calling it quits or trying harder, here are some signs that your relationship is worth saving. If you see just one, it’s worth giving things one more try.

Both of You are Open to Making Changes

When things are going wrong in a relationship, changes must be made in order to correct it. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you’ll get the same results. Sometimes it’s hard to admit that you need to change your behavior, and sometimes there are things you’re not willing to change. If both you and your partner are open to making changes, however, your relationship could be saved. Willingness to change shows your desire to make the relationship work no matter what.

You’re Still in Love with Your Partner

As relationships die over time, many people often feel that they’re not in love with their partner anymore. They might love or care about them, but they don’t feel that special connection that comes from truly being in love with someone. If you still get the same happy, light-hearted feeling when you think about your partner and spend time together, you might still be in love with them. If you’re still in love with them, it’s definitely worth making the effort to fix the relationship.

Your Partner is Still Your Best Friend

Lots of people in relationships consider their partner to be their best friend. If you felt the same way, and still do, your relationship is probably worth saving. You might have a close friendship and a close connection to each other. If you’re supportive of each other, enjoy spending time together, and want to talk about everything with each other, your relationship is worth saving. When your partner is still your best friend, and you feel like you’re still on the same team, you shouldn’t just call it quits.

You Still Have a Lot of Fun Together

Many relationships deteriorate, and they aren’t nearly as fun as they were in the beginning. It doesn’t mean that spark of excitement can’t be ignited again, but it’s more difficult. If you haven’t lost that spark yet, your relationship is worth saving. It’s a good sign that when you’re not arguing or things are going well you can still laugh together and have fun.

You Imagine Life without Your Partner Would Be Worse

When you think about the future, are you and your partner still together? Do you truly want to grow old with this person? Will you be happy being with them long-term? If you think your future would be much bleaker without your partner, it’s worth trying to save the relationship. If you think you would be happier without them, or you can’t really picture a future together, it is probably time to let things go.

Photo Credit: Stephen’s PhotoArt


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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