For the last couple of years, cancer has been a menace to society. There are different theories on what causes the growth of cancer cells.

However, scientists have shown that our lifestyles and certain drugs have contributed to the susceptibility of developing cancer.

If you are keen on current affairs, you have probably heard of a group of attorneys from belviq law firm that have sued manufacturers of Belviq. Belviq is a weight-loss supplement that is associated with the development of cancerous cells.

Due to such unfortunate circumstances, medical researchers have come up with a couple of tips that help in the prevention of cancer.

Let’s delve into specifics.

·         Maintaining a healthy weight

Unfortunately, one in five people who succumb to cancer is obese or overweight. Although researchers have no concrete information on how weight affects your likelihood to develop cancer, excessive weight gain increases the risk by 50% of suffering from endometrial cancer. Also, obesity is associated with liver, colon, thyroid, and prostate cancer.

As such, it is vital to maintain a healthy weight gain,especially in your adult life.

·         Avoid tobacco

Tobacco is a drug that significantly increases your chances of developing cancer. Cigarette smoking has been linked to various types of cancers, including lung, throat, cervix, mouth, and kidney cancer. What’s even more unfortunate is that exposure to secondhand smoke increases the chances of developing lung cancer.

In this case, avoiding tobacco is important in cancer prevention. Ask your doctor for various strategies to help you quit smoking.

·         Eating a healthy diet

Nutritionists, medical practitioners, and trainers are always insisting on the importance of consuming healthy foods. And it is for a good reason.

Eating healthily boosts your immunity. It does not necessarily guarantee cancer prevention, but it might reduce your susceptibility to developing cancer. However, it is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and stay away from processed foods whenever possible.

·         Protect yourself from the sun

The number of skin cancer cases has skyrocketed in the last couple of years. It is among the most common kinds of cancer,affecting a large number of individuals despite being one of the most preventable.

Skin cancer is mostly caused by the damaging ultra-violet rays of the sun. To ensure you do not develop skin cancer, avoid staying in the sun when its rays are the strongest. That is between 10 am and 4pm. Also, make sure you stay in the shade and apply sunscreen.

·         Seek regular medical care

The importance of having regular medical checkups cannot be over-emphasized. Various healthcare centers offer regular screening for various types of cancers.

If you are tech-savvy, you most probably have seen various advertisements urging people to go for colon, skin, cervix, and breast cancer screenings. These screenings allow for the early discovery of cancer, increasing the chances of treatments being successful.

So, the next time you visit your doctor, ask them to recommend the best cancer screening and self-test schedule for you.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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