Simple Ways to Look After Your Eyes

Our eyes are one of the most vital organs we have in our bodies – yet they are also one of the most fragile. It’s important, then, that we take every step we possibly can in order to properly look after our eyes and see that no harm comes to them. Eye conditions are quite common, especially in the elder demographic, so you should arm yourself with the proper knowledge to ensure that you aren’t doing anything which could potentially damage your eyes or increase the risk of developing any serious eye-related conditions. There are, in fact, a number of simple ways you can introduce into your day to day life to help ensure that no harm comes to your eyes. Just a few of them have been compiled here, to act as a good place to start for anyone who requires a little bit more information on how to properly look after their eyes and eyesight.

Keep Healthy

In reality, keeping your body as generally healthy as it can possibly be will have a direct effect on your eyes. For example, eating a balanced diet, and especially one which is rich in omega-3 acids and vitamin C will assist in reducing the risk of macular degeneration as well as cataracts and other common eye-related conditions linked to the onset of age. So, if you’re in your middle age and want to maintain the health of your eyes as much as possible as you continue to grow older, these are the nutrients to focus on. Some of the foodstuffs which contain them are leafy green vegetables, oily fish, eggs and bright fruits like oranges. Furthermore, a proper diet will help ensure that you do not develop diabetes, which is another major cause of eye conditions and even blindness. However, there is further bad news for all smokers out there, as the use of cigarettes can lead to optic nerve damage behind the eye as well as increasing the risk of cataracts. So, for anyone who is truly serious about maintaining the health of their eyes and keeping their eyesight as good as it possibly can be, it’s probably a wise decision to finally kick that smoking habit for good.

See an Eye Specialist Regularly

While you can take every precaution and safety tip possible to help ensure that no harm befalls your eyes, sometimes there is simply nothing you can do, and a condition will develop regardless. Even if you feel that your eyes are perfectly pristine and healthy, you should always ensure that you head to a professional to get a regular check-up, especially when you take into account the fact that the vast majority of eye conditions come with no physical pain whatsoever. It’s crucial, then, to get someone who is trained and knows what a healthy eye looks like to take a look at your own every couple of years or so.

Something like glaucoma, scarily, comes with no symptoms whatsoever that you can detect yourself, yet can lead to extreme problems. Conditions like these are always more treatable in their early stages, so getting yourself out to a check-up is crucial to catching potentially catastrophic eye conditions when they can still be properly looked after. There is a range of services such as EyeTech Optometry with which you can schedule an eye appointment very easily. Eye tests are usually inexpensive and take a short amount of time to complete, so there’s little excuse not to, especially when a little effort will go a long way to ensuring that your sight remains as good as it possibly can be.

Avoid Intense Light Wherever Possible

In the twenty-first century, we’re spending a great deal of our time staring at various screens, whether that be our computers, our TVs, or our phones. However, spending extended periods exposed to the harsh light our screens give off can be potentially harmful to our eyes, especially if the distance between them is comparatively little. However, while it’s ridiculous at this point to advise quitting screens altogether, there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce damage to our eyes when they are exposed to screens.

Try to rest your eyes regularly if you’re doing a great deal of work on a computer or something similar to this. Even getting up and looking at something else for a short period every hour or so will help reduce the damage a glaring screen could do. Try, especially when it is dark, to keep the brightness on your phone, tablet or computer to a reduced setting, as a very bright light contrasted against darkness will serve to impact your eyes adversely. Furthermore, if you already wear glasses, make sure that your prescription includes protection against screens should you be exposed to them a great deal, and ensure that the prescription itself is up to date. If you don’t wear glasses but experience regular eye strain when using screens, you might consider speaking to your doctor getting a pair with added glare protection. If you live in an area that generally receives a lot of intense sunlight, sunglasses are an absolute must, and you should try to wear them whenever you’re outside, and you have no protection from the sunlight by clouds. If you receive too much exposure to UV rays, you could increase your risk of developing cataracts and other harmful eye conditions. UV light can have harmful effects on the cornea, lens, eyelid, and retina. Years of exposure to UV rays cause the protein in the lens of the eye to thicken and clump (also known as a cataract). Can-C eye drops is helpful to reduce the occurrence and slow the development of cataracts.

Selecting the right pair of sunglasses is important too- don’t simply go for the cheapest option. Ensure you’re purchasing a pair that blocks 99-100% of all UV rays so that you know you’re receiving the fullest protection possible. Furthermore, if you engage in any activity which might potentially cause damage to your eyes, ensure you’re wearing the appropriate safety gear. This could be at work or with regard to a hobby, involving anything from ice hockey to carpentry. Don’t be careless and you will dramatically reduce the risk of causing any harm to one of your most valuable senses.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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