Slip and Fall? 4 Injuries That Might Require Legal Aid

Business owners may do their best to avoid legal issues, but some things can happen that are beyond your control. Slip and fall accidents are common in business environments. In many instances, the individual easily recovers from the fall and goes on with his or her day without concern. However, some slip and fall cases result in serious injury for the individual, and your business could be held liable in some of these cases.


Broken Bones

Bones are typically strong, and they are able to handle a general slip and fall event. However, some people have brittle bones, such as because of an underlying health condition or because of the aging process. These bones can easily break. In addition, some people fall in an unusual way, causing even strong bones to break. You may be held liable for medical bills, lost wages and more if the cause of the accident was deemed to be your fault in some way.


Head Trauma

Head injuries are also common with these types of accidents, and this is particularly true if the individual falls onto a hard surface. Concussions and other trauma may require hospitalization and other medical services, and the individual may not be able to work and earn income for several days or even weeks. Head injuries are some of the most serious injuries you can suffer and can be a huge liability for the injured person or the company. It’s important that the injured worker gets medical attention immediately and any accounts from witnesses are gathered as soon as possible. If the injured person is able to recall the incident, their account should also be recorded. Head injuries aren’t always major or long-term, but they should be treated as such just in case. Accidents that are intentional or caused by negligence may become your financial responsibility.


Dislocated Joints

When people fall awkwardly, dislocated joints and other related muscle and tendon issues are common. While these may seem less serious, they may require surgery, pain medications, therapy, and more to recover from. These injuries can often go unnoticed for a long time and flare up later on. The best way to keep on top of them is to let your workers know that they can come to you if they are experiencing pain after an incident so you can document it, even if they don’t go to the doctor immediately. If you have it documented, they can get the help they need without lawyers getting involved. These expenses can easily tally into the thousands of dollars, and your company may have to pay for them, so keep your door open.


Cuts and Bleeding or Bruising

Depending on how the individual fell and what he or she landed on, the individual may require stitches. In severe cases of significant blood loss, a transfusion may even be required. Surgery and other procedures may be needed as well. While some cuts can be treated with a simple Band-Aid, others are very serious, and they can result in you being sued for damages.


Business owners should take steps to identify trip and slip hazards in their place of business. These spaces should be properly marked so that others can clearly see and avoid them, or they should be removed from the business environment altogether. These steps can help you to prevent the need to hire a slip and fall attorney and worry about legal proceedings.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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