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So You’ve Just Been Diagnosed With Diabetes… Now What?

We hear the term diabetes thrown around all the time and many of us actually have friends or family who are affected with the life-long condition. It’s caused by high amounts of sugar in the blood over a long period of time, which the body can’t use properly.

Around 3.9 million people suffer with diabetes in the UK, as well as a staggering 29 million people in the US. Type 2 diabetes is the most common, affecting around 90% of those who have the common condition.

Whilst it might be terrifying at first to discover that you have a condition that needs treatment every day, you will be able to continue living a very similar life to the one you had before, albeit with a few small changes.

It’s not the end of the world and the changes really aren’t that bad. In fact, you’ll probably find you experience a newly found excitement for life as healthy eating and staying active must all become part of your day to day routine.

These tips will help you to keep your diabetes under control and you’ll soon realise that having a life long condition doesn’t necessarily mean a life long burden.

1. A healthy diet

Just because you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes it doesn’t mean that you now have to eat kale and spinach for the rest of you life. You can discuss this further with your GP as every individual is different and age, gender and general fitness all play a part in a person’s condition. It’s certainly worth seeing a dietician if it’s something you’re concerned about.

2. Make sure you eat little and often

Resist the urge to stuff your face with a few large meals a day and instead eat smaller meals throughout the day. Planning ahead and having healthy snacks to grab when you’re feeling peckish will help you to curb the cravings for bad food and ultimately keep your diabetes under control.

3. Check your blood glucose

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Self monitoring your own blood glucose is a benefit to any person trying to manage their diabetes. A quick, simple prick on the finger in the comfort of your own home will be able to tell you your blood glucose levels at home.

If you find that you’re struggling to maintain a good level of sugar, metformin can be used by people with type 2 diabetes to help control the issue. You can order a repeat supply of medication like metformin online to make the process even easier.

4. Exercise, exercise, exercise

Everyone should be getting regular exercise and we’ve been warned for years that we must all do at least 30 minutes each day to stand a chance at remaining healthy. Consider your diabetes diagnosis the motivation you need to exercise regularly. Exercise doesn’t need to be boring either. If jogging or cycling isn’t your thing, join a club where you can get the same health benefits but enjoy yourself at the same time.

5. Feeling a little blue? Get help

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There’s a known correlation with those who are diagnosed with diabetes and those suffering with depression. People who are diagnosed with a chronic physical health problem such as diabetes can sometimes find the changes all a little too much, which is why a diabetes sufferer is three times more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those without it. If you’re suffering with both depression and diabetes, make sure you get help straight away as it could lead to you suffering from an episode of diabetic burnout. If you’re starting to feel a little down in the dumps but you generally feel ok, try these simple tips to lift your spirits.

6. Share your diagnosis with loved ones

Sadly, many people who are diagnosed with diabetes feel that they cannot tell their family or friends. It’s thought that around 30-35% of those diagnosed with depression don’t actually tell their loved ones and employers which is dangerous as it leads to missed or delayed insulin injections. It’s good to educate those around you on such a common condition and it’s super important for them to be able to recognise warning signs that your blood glucose levels are dangerously high or low.

7. Identify yourself as someone who has diabetes

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Wearing a medical alert bracelet is one of the best things you can do your health. You never know when you’ll need to alert someone to the fact that you have diabetes and you might be in a situation where you can’t. Wearing a medical alert bracelet is just one of ways to let health providers know about your condition, but you can also carry an identification card or put the details into an accessible app on your phone. That way, if you’re ever in a medical emergency and can’t speak for yourself, they’ll know what care you need.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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