Special Care Tips for the Professionally Cleaned Carpets!

Did you know your professionally cleaned carpet requires care? Yes! Just cleaning the carpet doesn’t leave you off the duty. There’s much to be done even after getting the carpets cleaned by experts. This is essential in order to enjoy the fruits of the labour (and your investment!) for longer, and have it looking alluring in your home for a long span.

You may know that carpets require a special cleaning treatment from professionals like Citie Carpet Cleaning, the best carpet cleaners in Leeds, at least twice a year. This is essential to ensure the collected dirt and dust that have settled in the carpet since months can be thoroughly removed. Also, tough stains and marks, plus the odour can also be eradicated with this special treatment of cleaning by professionals.

Some tips to care for your freshly cleaned carpets!

You took so much pains to hire a well-known company to clean the carpet, and obviously this did cost you a good amount. Now, if you aren’t careful about it, the carpet can get badly spoilt — and that destroys all your previous efforts. So, you need to follow just a few instructions about its care at this time, and the rest is good! Read below those tips for proper care of your freshly cleaned carpets:

  • Don’t walk on it for some time Freshly cleaned carpet can still be damp and hence slippery. Avoid walking in this area for an hour or two, and also better keep kids and pets away during this time. This even prevents fresh footmarks to happen on the carpet, that may take some time to get removed later.
  • Turn up the heat The more heat your carpet is exposed to, the faster it dries. Ensure heating up your radiator system a little above the normal level to reduce the time taken by carpets to dry.
  • Open the windows Wet carpets did increase the humidity in the room. This would not only increase the moisture in the air, but would also mean longer time for the carpet to dry. And if the room is jammed packed for too long, your carpet may even get a slight smell due to staying damp. Open the windows and let the natural ventilation do its work.
  • Wait before moving the furniture backProfessionally cleaned carpets require a good time to dry. And until then never move back your furniture to its place. You’ll cause various marks on the floor due to the heavy movements, and also the area where the furniture would be placed would get pressed leading to uneven plushness of the carpet.
  • Place carpet protectors Carpet protectors prevent those ugly spots on the carpet from happening again. You should place door mats or rugs wherever possible to let the carpet dry better.
  • Vacuum the cleaned carpets regularly And the best care you can take of your carpet to let it remain in its intact position for long is vacuuming it. This is possible if you clean it without fail almost daily through a good vacuum cleaner. And also, try to wipe the spills and stains as soon as they happen. This would ensure that the professionally cleaned carpets would stay in its best condition until the next session of having it cleaned by experts arrives.

Cleaned carpets look and smell good enhancing the beauty of your home. If you want your freshly tidied carpets to stay intact for longer, follow the above guidelines accurately.

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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