Spring Awakening: 3 Tips for a Winter Body Transformation

If you want to get rid of your winter body and step into a slimmer, fitter physique, there are several ways that you can make this a reality. Shedding the extra weight and improving your muscle tone will allow you to hit the beach with greater confidence when the spring and summer seasons arrive but, more importantly, it will help you feel better inside and out. Here are a few of the best ways to transform your winter body.

Create an Effective Exercise Routine

It’s no secret that the key to a better body is adopting a workout routine that you’ll be able to stick with for the long term. An effective fitness schedule consists of strength training and cardiovascular exercises. As the Mayo Clinic states, you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week while incorporating at least two days a week of strength training. However, you may be less inclined to exercise if your workout regimen is boring to you or doesn’t give you the results that you want. If you dread the idea of going to the gym for standard workouts, try doing some activities like Zumba, salsa dancing or kickboxing to add more excitement to your routine. If you enjoy the way you exercise, you will be more likely to keep up with it and give it your all each time.

Adopt Healthier Eating Habits

You can’t expect to achieve the results that you want without maintaining a healthy diet that’s low in calories and saturated fats. One of the best ways to adopt better eating habits is to cook more at home and avoid the temptation of buying frozen foods or stopping at fast food restaurants. Healthline also suggests increasing your protein intake and eating at a slower pace to prevent yourself from overeating. Adding some paprika, chili pepper or other spices to healthy foods can give them more flavor and make them more appealing to eat.

Seek Help from a Professional

If all else fails, you can see a professional in the diet, exercise or mental health field for advice. Dieticians specialize in creating eating plans that include healthy foods that are both tasty and good for the body. A personal fitness trainer can design an exercise routine and work with you closely to help you achieve your fitness goals. If mental or emotional challenges are standing in your way to getting the body that you want, a counselor may be able to give you tools to overcome these obstacles. Medical intervention might be necessary if your weight is particularly concerning for your health, and you and your provider can explore options like going on a medically supervised diet or undergoing weight loss surgery. CoolSculpting, red light therapy and other treatments like those from Countryside Dermatology & Laser Center are other options that may help you achieve a more toned and trim physique.

You don’t have to be stuck with living in your winter body for the rest of your life. By making some positive lifestyle changes, you’ll be able to enjoy the healthier and more attractive body that you want to have.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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