Staying Healthy on Your Time

We live in a society that feels busier than ever. People are always trying to hustle, whether it’s to get more work done, head to an event, cart the kids somewhere, or meet up with friends. Technology only fuels that “fast-paced” lifestyle, and it can make it difficult to fit in healthy activities each day.


But, it’s so important to take the time to care for yourself – mentally and physically.


When you start making time each day to take care of your health, you’ll be able to live a fuller, happier, and stronger life. You don’t have to put all of your time and focus into hours of exercise to stay healthy. Instead, focus on starting healthy habits that don’t take much time, and you can incorporate them into your day quickly and easily.


Not sure how to get started? Let’s go over a few tips you can use to stay healthy on your time.

Focusing On Every Factor
Being healthy is about more than losing weight or being muscular. Instead, you should be focusing on your entire self and your well-being. Thankfully, that’s easier to do every day than you might think, and doesn’t have to eat up a lot of your time.


Speaking of eating, that’s a great place to start. After all, you are what you eat. So, what does your diet look like? Making small changes to your dietary habits and focusing on nutrition doesn’t take up any “extra” time. It just requires you to change the way you think about food. Your daily diet should consist of things like:


●     Dark leafy greens

●     Whole grains

●     Lean proteins

●     Healthy fats


In addition to eating well, you should also make sleeping well a priority. According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. That can lead to a variety of health problems. Or, if you already have a health condition, the position you sleep in could exacerbate your symptoms or cause pain.


Develop healthy sleep habits by going to bed at the same time each night, using your bed only for sleeping, and avoiding electronics an hour before you want to sleep.


Finally, focus on your mental health. Self-care is a term that gets thrown around a lot lately, but it’s very important when it comes to maintaining the quality of your mental health. Do something each day that promotes your mental wellbeing. That might include journaling, cooking your favorite meal, or meeting up with a friend to socialize. None of these things have to take up much of your time, but they can make a big difference and can be done every day.

Integrating Fitness Into Your Routine
Staying fit isn’t about spending hours in the gym. If you can find small ways to stay active throughout the day, you can get in a good workout, a few extra steps, and a little more strength-building experience with the things you normally do, anyway.


You can start by integrating small things into your workday, especially if you’re working remotely or “stuck” at home. Try some of the following ideas to get moving:


●     Walking around your house while reading/answering emails on your phone

●     Doing seated leg-lifts during conference calls

●     Taking a short walk on your lunch break

●     Setting an alarm for yourself each hour to stretch and take a five-minute walk


You can even stay active while you’re watching TV in the evening or unwinding on a weekend. Stand up and fold some laundry, walk in place or do jumping jacks, or make up a “game” for yourself to do different exercises when something happens on the show or movie.


If you spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a little extra fitness. Narrow your focus when you’re outside to reach your fitness goals and make the most of your time. Everything from stretching to going on a hike can improve your fitness levels and you don’t have to take up extra time at the gym if you’re already being active outdoors.


Whether you want to be more fit, or just improve your overall well-being, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy on your time. Utilize these suggestions to make health a priority in your life, no matter how busy you are.

Noah Rue

Noah Rue is a journalist and content writer, fascinated with the intersection between global health, personal wellness, and modern technology who spend his downtime outdoors.