Stressed Over Divorce Process? Pass It On To A Lawyer

You need an expert divorce lawyer if your marriage in on the verge of a divorce. Irrespective of which spouse initiates the divorce, you need a professional to protect your interest and of your children, if you have any.

If you are a resident of Fort Myers, you need a specialized divorce lawyer in Fort Myers to guide you through the complicated divorce procedure in Florida. You need an attorney to give an objective opinion on your situation, and on what should be your course of action.

But finding an appropriate lawyer could become a cumbersome task if you don’t use the right channel for it. LawTally is a trusted website providing all the relevant information to find a reliable lawyer.

A divorce lawyer in Fort Myers helps you with the divorce process

Like every state, the state of Florida has its set of rules for divorce. Hiring a divorce lawyer in Fort Myers ensures that the lawyer is knowledgeable with your state laws. Further, the lawyer has the license to practice in your state and has experience in doing so.

A good lawyer guides you through the process from start to finish and ensures that court decisions are in your favor. You need the involvement of a professional, irrespective of a contested or uncontested divorce, to ensure correct paperwork.

  • Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

It is mandatory that one of the spouses is a resident of Florida for at least six months before filing the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The spouse in Florida should file it at the circuit court in the county where he or she lives. The other spouse must be informed about the petition, who has 20 days to file an answer to the petition.

Depending on the answer by the other spouse, also called the respondent, it is determined if the marriage contested or uncontested.

  • Marital Settlement Agreement

The law requires both spouses to file a Marital Settlement Agreement for Dissolution of Marriage even if they agree on all conditions of the divorce.  It includes things like division of property & debt, spousal support, child custody, and child support. If the couple is not in agreement on all these issues, a hearing is assigned, and the case goes to trial.

  • Negotiations and trial

You need a lawyer the most in the event of a dispute. The attorney works for your rights and strives to ensure that you get a fair division in property and compensation for other requirements. The lawyer deals with the opposing counsel in during the discovery process, during informal settlement negotiations, and also in the family court.

LawTally is your aide in lawyer search

Now you know that the dissolution of marriage is not just separation of a couple. It involves other crucial aspects like the division of marital property, spousal support, child custody, child support, parenting plan, the tax implications of divorce, etc.

Most people get overwhelmed while going through a divorce and are not able to think logically, as the heart takes over the mind. But with a good lawyer, you can avoid some irreversible mistakes you could make if you are on your own.

So if you are looking for a divorce lawyer in Fort Myers, you can use the advanced searches available on the LawTally website and shortlist the most appropriate lawyers. You can later meet them for further queries.

Lara Buck

Lara Buck, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes.

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