Struggling With Getting Your Experience Letter? Here’s How To Request For It!

Throughout the lives of working professionals, they have to deal with a great deal of paperwork and need to procure some extremely important documents. From the reception of an offer letter to the release of a relieving letter, every official document that is issued holds its own significance as long as an individual is employed and some even after that. Same is the case with an ‘Experience Letter’. Employees find it very hard to request for an experience letter from their employees once they have resigned. Most of the time, the personnel gets nervous and sometimes the situation is such that it becomes awkward for both the parties as the bond is breaking. Now, whichever the case might be, it is imperative to extract the letter for future purposes.

So, let’s have a closer look at the subject and talk about the different aspects of an experience letter. Then, we will move forward to the most important part, i.e., how to raise a request for obtaining the experience certificate-

What Is An Experience Letter?

Also known as ‘Service Certificate’, this official letter is issued to an employee after he/ she resigns from the organization. It includes the employment particulars such as the period of service, job responsibilities, code of conduct and the overall experience gained over the course of employment. This piece of a document called experience letter is generally required by the new employer of the person at the time of background verification as proof of previous employment. 

What Is A Request Letter?

Broadly speaking, a request letter is any kind of written paper that raises requirements or requests a type of information, permission, favor or service from the addressee. In this case, the request raised by an employee is made through an email or a request letter which states the interest of the sender in demanding an experience letter due to an urgent need of the same. 

So, we will not discuss the essentials of an experience letter format and things to keep in mind.

Key Reminders:

While drafting a request letter for obtaining an experience certificate, the following points must be taken into consideration: 

  • Choose the right addressee

First of all, think of the appropriate employees in the organization who are most likely to get your work done. Now, select the most easily reachable authority who can provide an official document like an experience certificate and write a request letter or email to them.     

  • Make the purpose very clear

Do not beat around the bush! Be as precise and transparent as possible. The motive of writing the request for the experience letter should be very clear and well understood by the receiver from your letter body. 

  • Go with a formal and cordial tone

Be direct and clear, but do not forget that you are the one asking for favor and it ought to be an official communication. So, maintain certain formality in your tone and write words like ‘please’, ‘kindly’ and ‘request’ etc. to sound polite and respectful.

  • Use a standard format

Now, don’t just write a request letter or email for the sake of it. You need to be serious and do your homework before writing the same. Search for some standard templates to write a request letter. Also, share the latest and most acceptable templates to choose a suitable experience letter format as an example to the addressee.

  • Say ‘Thank You’ in advance

Always end the letter on a positive note. Now, because the provider of the letter is helping you in some way, do not forget to say a big ‘Thank You’ at last. It will make the person feel valuable and appreciated.

Bottom Line

Most of us tend to take these opportunities lightly, but paying extra attention while drafting any kind of letter for official purposes can take you a long way. A liitle effort to get it right can help you to not only get what you want (an experience letter here), but also maintain a healthy long-term relationship with the organization and its employee even after you are not associated with them.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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