Suboxone Treatment: A Comparative Study with Methodone and its Easy Administration

How Does Suboxone Treatment Fare in Comparison to Other Treatments?

It is until recently that suboxone has been launched in the field of opioid addiction by the drug addiction treatment centers. Before this methadone was the preferred medication used by doctors of addiction treatment all over the globe.

However, methadone being a narcotic analgesic, and belonging to a class of drugs which is called opioid agonists, could hardly be called a solution that is proper in nature as there were many troubling side effects and high addiction cases involved with Methodone in the past. It even had medical reports where overuse or misuse of Methodone had proven to be fatal.

The Truth About Methodone: Shocking and Dangerous Abuse Deaths

The shocking truth as reported by many suboxone treatment centers is that in case of methadone is being abused then the chances of death are very high and it had been reported that more than double the overdose deaths than any other opioids has been recorded solely by Methodone abuse. It has been dispensed on a regular basis only specifically at a specially license clinic because of its intrinsic street value as well as the dangers that are associated with methadone abuse, dramatically listening to the schedule of the individuals who are receiving the treatment as well as they travel.

Why is Suboxone a Safer Option?

In contrast to methadone, suboxone is definitely a much safer option because this drug is designed for safety. It does not provide any kind of so-called effects of euphoria that is associated with a Methodone, however, it successfully stops withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings. In addition to that, this drug successfully snatches away the after-effects of other Opioids like heroin as well as other medicinal drugs. It is so safe that doctors prescribe suboxone treatments to even women who are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant in the drug addiction treatment centers near me.

When there has been a high dose of suboxone also, this treatment is a well-tolerated platform, where all the patients report to have felt normal again once they have received suboxone treatment, with their anxiety receding pretty fast which is assured by the centers of suboxone treatment near me. Whatever symptoms of withdrawal are faced by the patients from suboxone, they are far less than other opiates and the severity is much lower in comparison. It also allows to tapper the doctors to lower the doses regularly, almost every other day gradually letting the patients completely be off the medication.

Suboxone Treatment Dosage and Easy Administration

Generally, a suboxone treatment will comprise of prescription medicine for 30 days and once a week that is 4 times a month therapy sessions with the suboxone doctor for the patient, allowing him or her to maintain whatever work schedules or travel schedules the person has. In many ways, this aids in the escape of the stigma that is associated with opioid addiction treatment and drug rehabilitation.

Most of the insurances cover suboxone treatment and they also offer many coupon programs as well as the newly released generics which aid in lowering the overall cost. If you want to successfully transition from the usage of methadone to suboxone, you need to know that FDA has released a brand new drug recently called Lucemyra which will help you with the transition, making it a very smooth process, without much hustle and difficulty for the patient.

Suboxone doctors: Duty and Nature

Because there is a very low risk of abuse in suboxone, in comparison to method on, and it being much less controlled, this drug is prescribed by many certified physicians as the way to treat drug addiction and opioid addiction.

The process adopted for this treatment by the suboxone treatment centers near me is very similar to that of a methadone clinic, however. Before you take up both these treatments you will require to go through a urinalysis in order to make sure that the patient is currently not on any substances which would negatively interact with suboxone.

Only after the report of this urine analysis has come and other medical tests like diabetes and chronic diseases’ file is fully read and understood, the doctor will start prescribing suboxone to you.

Under the Control Substance Act of 2000, suboxone falls into the category of schedule 3 controlled substance which is a class below Methadone and similar drugs. This is an indication that this drug is, in comparison to methadone a much less controlled drug and that is the reason it is more often than not prescribed by certified doctors in increments of 30 days.

During the Treatment What are the Things that the Patients Need To Do?

For every patient, it will be necessary for having random urine screenings as well as counseling by a therapist throughout the period of their suboxone treatment. But in case if a patient is showing that they are compliant with the treatment they will also be needed to visit once a month for testing as well as the above-mentioned counseling.

Justin Carlos

I am Professional writer, editor and blogger, I really like to spend my full time to write new idea which i think.

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