Take Right Type Of Eye Test To Check Your Eye Power

These days, eye exams or eye test is one of the important processes that should be conducted to assess the health of your eye. Both children and adults must undergo regular eye checkup to ensure the proper vision of the eye. The eye test helps you to find the issues in your eye and solve them at the earlier stages. If an issue is found, you may be recommended a certain brand of contact lenses. We recommend you choose one that will provide the kind of focus all day comfort you need.

The Optometrists and Ophthalmologists make use of various tests and techniques to diagnose the problems. The eye test ranges from simple to complex depending on the severity of the problem. Go through this article to know the different types of eye test that are undergone by the doctors.

Types Of Eye Test Or Eye Exams 

Major Eye Tests That Are Conducted By The Doctors To Diagnose And Treat Eye Issues:

Eye Test

Cover Test

Cover test is one of the simplest and common tests that are done for all ages of well-being to analyze the eye power. The main aim of the test is to check the working of the eyes. The test tells if the eyes are working together and are in coordination with each other or not. While undergoing the cover test you are supposed to focus on small objects that are kept in the room by covering an eye alternatively. This test is repeated for the nearby object. With the help of this test, the doctor can come to know which eye has less power or eye strain.

Visual Acuity Tests

Visual Acuity Test is the primary eye test that is conducted to measure the sharpness of your vision. This test is performed with the projected eye chart to check the long-distance vision and hand-held charts to test the short distance vision power of your eye.

Color Blindness Test

Color blindness test is one of the screening tests that are done to check the color vision of your eye. This eye test helps to detect the hereditary color vision deficiencies and health problems that may affect your color vision.

Dilated Pupillary Exam

During this eye test, the doctor makes use of the special drops called dilates to expand the pupil in your eye. So that he can check your retina to find out the disease.

Retinoscopy Test

The Retinoscopy test will be suggested by your doctor when you need the prescription for an eyeglass. During the retinoscopy eye test, the room lights will be dimmed, and you have to keep your target on the large objects. Generally, the doctors will ask you to focus on the ‘E’ that is in the eye chart then he turns on the light at your eye and keeps the lenses in front of your eyes. This helps the doctor to decide the right type of lens that suits your eye power.

Ultrasound Tests

This type of eye test is done with the help of sound waves to have the complete picture of your eye. The doctor views the image to identify and treat the tumors, cataracts or bleeding of the eye. This is usually done before the cataract surgery.

Eye Movements Testing

Some people suffer from less mobility in eyes which means that they are unable to follow the objects quickly. In such a case, you can take the eye movement testing called an Ocular Motility test. The doctor holds your head and makes you view the target with the slow movement for smooth eye movement checkup. While taking the quick eye movement test you tend to move your eyes forth and back with two targets that are kept apart from each other.

Thus, these are the major types of eye test that are conducted by Optometrists. So, discuss the difficulties faced in your vision with the doctor to take the right type of test to solve them accordingly. Undergo Eye test Regularly and Maintain Eye Health To Have Better Vision!

Amelie Lawrence

I am Amelie Lawrence, an experienced professional and informative Guest blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: automotive,home improvement, business, health etc.

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