Tea and Toast: How to Match up a Perfect Pair

People everywhere have been enjoying tea and toast breakfasts forever. They make a strong match, too. Tea has a refreshing taste. It can be soothing. Toast, at the other end of the spectrum, can be extremely filling. It can get you totally ready for a jam-packed day as well. If you want to match tea and toast like a champion, these suggestions can work beautifully.

Find Flavors That Coalesce

The first step in finding the correct flavors you want to blend, is to find out what flavors you’re dealing with.  For instance, if you’re going with green tea, you’ll need something a little sweeter to pair it with.  Green tea has a bitter, earthy flavor, similar to wheat grass in some ways.  In contrast, if you’re going with a sweeter tea, like an herbal-infused raspberry, you will want to find something plain and calm that has basic undertones that won’t overpower the herbal flavor.  Furthermore, if you are going with a more flowery, botanical tea, you will want to find something like a buttery piece of toast to go with it –these kind of flavors mix beautifully and will awaken your taste buds.

Green Tea and Honey Ricotta Toast

This is a good one to start out your day with.  The flavor of green tea is robust and strong, and paired with the taste of ricotta cheese, this will blow off the cobwebs of sleep quicker than flint. These flavors will wake you up and help you feel invigorated throughout the day to come. Not only is the flavor astounding, green tea is chock-full of antioxidants and health perks galore. It has a revitalizing taste that can get you prepared for anything the day has in store for you, too. If you’re searching for a taste that can complement your green tea in a pleasing and distinctive way, you can try your hand at ricotta cheese and honey toast. Your taste buds will thank you endlessly.

Earl Grey Tea and Avocado Toast

If you want to feel like a dignified Englishman or Englishwoman, Earl Grey tea can make a wonderful start to your day. You can make the flavor of your Earl Grey tea “pop” by pairing it up with avocado toast. These flavors go together really well, so do not be shy and give them a try.  Allow yourself to soak in the flavor and you will be rewarded. You will be glad you did. Also, avocados can fill you up in a big way. They are quite highly nutritious as well. Beginning your day with Earl Grey tea and avocado toast can be a recipe for true success.  Your taste buds will thank you.

Classic Black Tea and Organic Wheat Bread Toast

Combining classic black tea and organic wheat bread toast is always a good idea, too. It doesn’t matter what kind of topping or toppings you put on your organic wheat bread toast. It honestly can’t backfire. This kind of toast will also satisfy your appetite. Wheat bread, especially when it is organic, can help fill you up. It will help you know that you are doing your body a favor as well. After all, your body deserves it. Remember, few things can be more energizing than hot black tea. Feel invigorated and caffeinated in one fell swoop, you will be glad you did. It’s no wonder so many people rely on it on a daily basis.

White Tea and Camembert Toast

White tea can be ideal for the morning. It has a light taste that can be great for those who are barely awake in the morning. After all, waking up is no walk in the park. If you are looking to combine your cup of white tea with something savory and scrumptious, try some delicious toast that’s topped with Camembert cheese, tomato, and cucumber. These flavors meld together very well, and you will be left savoring the flavor all day long.  Few things taste as good together as these two do.

If you appreciate tea and toast, these four combinations are sure to thrill you. They’re sure to keep you going all the way to lunch as well. Breakfast should boost your energy, and having a nice cup of tea along with your meal can help start your day off right.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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