Tech Advancements to be Implemented in Cars in 2019

The auto industry has been instrumental in the push for technological development. The features of the cars in use today might be unrecognizable soon. In recent years, there has been a lot of car tech trends that are of interest to all automakers. Below are the top car tech trends that will define showrooms by 2020.

More Fuel-Efficient Rides

Automakers are at the forefront of developing more fuel-efficient rides that people can use for hundreds of miles at a lower cost. Over 2 million hybrid and electric cars were sold in 2016 and futurists expect the figure to rise as more automakers implement fuel-efficient ride technology to their fold. Automotive manufacturers such as General Motors and Honda have recently unveiled electric cars to their fleet, and others such as Volvo expect to equip all their engines with an electric motor before 2019.

Self-Driving Technology

While a few automotive manufacturers have been testing their autonomous driving technology on open road, the world is far away from widely adopting self-driving cars. A few car models including Mercedes Benz are already utilizing semi-autonomous capabilities in the form of motorway lane sensors, automatic braking sensors, self-parking capabilities, mapping technology, and front and back car cameras. Local Motors has recently unveiled its fully-autonomous ride while Google is still working on its self-driving pod Waymo, which is expected to hit the road by 2019.

Predictive Vehicle Technology

Machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are critical to the future of the automotive industry. As demand for personalized driving experience increases, predictive driving capabilities are becoming prevalent in the automotive industry. More automakers are applying algorithms to automate the process of setting up a car’s application preferences and its infotainment system. Modern vehicles are becoming IoT devices, which can respond to voice commands and connect to devices such as smartphones to change the user interface. Automakers are also using predictive vehicle technology in the form of sensors, which can inform the owner when their car needs a mechanical checkup. Predictive vehicle technology can use your car’s condition and mileage to notify drivers of any safety hazards, schedule appointment in real time, and gauge its performance.

Cars-as-a-Service (CaaS)

It is an upcoming car rental platform that car owners and drivers can use to engage and interact in various ride-sharing services. People using smart devices can use driverless technology to hail a car through an app, which delivers their goods or pick them up for transportation. You don’t need a driver’s license to access either of these cars, so CaaS serves as a driverless Uber. Futurists in the automotive industry predict that driverless Uber is on the horizon and might become a reality before 2025. Driverless Cars will offer a safer alternative to human drivers and reduce costs of mobility services significantly.

Active Health Monitoring

Automakers led by Ford Motor have previewed the idea of the steering wheel and seatbelt sensors through the deployment of wearable technologies to allow drivers to track vital statistics in real-time. That means vehicles will now pair with devices such as smartphones wirelessly using the steering wheel and seat belt sensors. When this combines with self-driving technology, modern cars will now be able to call paramedics when the driver suffers from a heart attack.

Remote Vehicle Shutdown

While this technology is no longer in its infancy, police will now use remote controllers to shut down stolen cars. That means the drama experienced during police chases will come to an end. Remote vehicle shutdown will move to another level by 2020 and will help reduce cases of car theft.


In recent years, tech geniuses have teamed up with automotive companies to improve the way vehicles operate. For example, the rise of fuel-efficient rides will help reduce carbon emission and lower fuel costs. Machine learning and AI technologies facilitate endless customization of vehicles to help notify drivers when their cars need a checkup. The potential of CaaS and the rise of driverless cars will increase the road safety.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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