Tell-tale Signs of Water Leaks in Your Home That You Shouldn’t Avoid!

The sound of running water is mind-blowingly pleasant and therapeutic, only if it isn’t coming from a leaking faucet or pipeline in your home! The damage caused by this actually blows your mind and money too! Remember the horror movies you saw — and there’s always this sound of dripping water coming from somewhere in the middle of the night? Who thought this leaking sound could actually bring great horror to your life?!

Yes, leaking water is never a good omen. There is always a long list of incidents aligned to the leaks which do create a lot of issues in your life. That is why, the instant you discover a leaking faucet or a pipeline or even a toilet, call for help from Ausbuilt Group providing plumbing services in Dandenong at any hour. They take the responsibility of completely treating the issue through their immense expertise with professionalism.

Visible signs speaking of water leaks in the house!

Some visible signs like a tap leakage or a toilet leaking can be well understood and cured instantly. But there can be leakages which couldn’t be depicted and discovered until a professional search for the same. But the signs of it are clearly visible in the place. So, even if you can’t find the source of the leakage or aren’t even aware of water leak in the house, if you witness these below signs, call for a plumber immediately.

  • Spike in utility bills If you find that the digits in your water bill are increasing considerably even though you are extremely careful about its usage, be watchful for water leak! Observe the bills for a month or two and call a good plumber immediately to search for the other signs of leakage and find the culprit.
  • Sound of running water This is but obvious, but you couldn’t find the source of the running water even after you checked every tap and faucet? Well, don’t go back to sleep assuming it’s the neighbour’s tank running down, search for the leak through a professional eye!
  • Damp floor or walls — Splashed your feet on a wet floor even though no one threw water there? Check for the source! And if you see a pool of water that’s damp, the leakage should be there somewhere above or behind it.
  • Foul odoursSo, you left the house spraying a blissful air freshener, and came back to smell of gutter or damp earth? Either your pipeline is leaking with the dirty water from the drains or the clean water is coming out through any source!
  • A foundation crack This is what isn’t easily recognisable. But when you take a tour around your building, you’ll actually see clear cracks on the back-side walls or some part of the plaster or paint coming out due to wetness. Recognise this sign as a tell-tale of a huge leak in the house that’s damaging your entire building.

So, you knew leaks can be this dangerous even before, right? But now you have learnt how to recognise the problem and the need to contact a good plumber immediately for its solution! Better check for it all in your home and do the needful if required. 

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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