Terrible Toothache: a Few Tips to Help You Get to the Root of the Problem

The mouth is a funny thing. When our teeth are working perfectly and there is no pain, it is almost easy to forget that we even have teeth. You might go to the dentist regularly every six months, brush and floss as expected, and still find that you have a toothache from time to time. If this is happening to you far more than it should, it is time to consider action. You will want to read over these four tips designed to help you get to the root of your toothache problem.

Use a Salt Water Rinse

While this might not be the best tasting remedy in the world, the relief that it can bring to your toothache will make it worth your while. This is not just an ordinary salt rinse we are talking about. Desperate times call for a heavy dose, so begin by getting a glass of very warm water. Think the kind of temperature that you use to drink hot tea with.

Stir in some sea salt or sea salt crystals, slowly, until you see some salt at the bottom that is no longer dissolving. This is the solution that you will rinse with four to five times every day. The goal is to reduce the inflammation around your tissues that are causing the toothache.

Clove Oil Can Help

You may never have considered clove oil as a remedy for the pain caused by your teeth, but now is your time to be introduced to it. You will find clove oil sold by the bottle at many drug or health food stores. It is quite simple to try this remedy. Take a small amount of the oil and use a cotton ball to apply in ever so gently to the area of mouth that has the most pain. This works particularly well if you have a nerve that has been become exposed because of a deep cavity. Use this remedy to get some relief from the pain while you wait for an appointment at the dentist to get that cavity filled.

Use a Pillow

When you have a toothache, you will want to keep your head elevated as much as possible all the time. This keeps the blood flowing. This includes when you are resting and sleeping. You will want to focus on your pillow to make this happen. It can be accomplished by stacking several pillows on top of one another. Remember that lying down actually exacerbates the toothache, so you want to trick your mouth into thinking you are actually standing up or sitting down.

Consider Having a Root Canal

There are times when your toothaches become too frequent and long lasting. You should not live with that pain, nor do you have to. A toothache once in a blue moon is nothing to worry about. If they are occurring with alarming frequency, however, you will need to see a dentist to go over your options. A root canal Nutley NJ is one way to get rid of the cavities and holes that cause your teeth so much pain. You will find that this might be your best bet to get rid of those toothaches once and for all.

These four tips will help you deal with your toothache. Remember that the key is to learn how to manage and minimize the pain in the short term, but to provide lasting relief in the long run. While almost everyone gets a toothache from time to time, it is not normal for them to be a regular occurrence. If that is proving to be the case for you, contact your dentist and work together to get to the root of the problem once and for all.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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