The 5 Best Dogs for New Families with Small Children

Deciding what breed of dog will work best with small children isn’t entirely about the size. Some larger dogs are more docile, while some small breeds are quite active and easily excitable. Breeds that are patient, calm, tolerant, and aware of things around them are the best choice.

1. Beagle

Beagles have the benefit of small size, plus a calm temperament and intelligent disposition. They were originally bred as hunting dogs, so they’re sturdy and active enough to keep up with small children. Beagles are smart and friendly and love to play games and explore outside. Their small size makes them versatile in terms of where you live, but they still need plenty of exercise. Beagles also shed quite a lot, so they need plenty of brushing and bathing.

2. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is another smaller breed that was originally designed as a working dog. They have a sturdy, low-slung build that makes them great for homes with children. They can fit in easily with both city and country living as long as they can get plenty of exercise.

Corgis love people and are eager to please, which makes them easy to train. If you’re looking for Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for sale, be sure to choose a reputable breeder and not a puppy mill. Reputable breeders go a long way in ensuring that you get a good example of the breed you want with proper socialization and a balanced temperament.

3. Collie

The original Collie (of Lassie fame) was also bred as a herding dog, so they are typically mild-mannered, energetic, and intelligent. Collies tend to be very gentle and tolerant, which is perfect for families with small children.

However, they can also be stubborn, so obedience training is a must. Collies usually also get along with other animals. They are very protective of their family but are not overly aggressive or excitable. Collies have a thick, long coat that requires regular grooming to keep it looking good. Collies are a larger breed, so they are more ideal for rural or suburban living versus city living.

4. Labrador Retriever

Labrador is a classic choice for families with small children. It’s one of the most popular dog breeds ever and has been for many years. It’s easy to see why when Labs are playful, tolerant, protective, friendly, and smart. They are extremely eager to please and do well with obedience training. Labs are also very sturdy and love to play. They can play endlessly with energetic children.

The main thing to know when considering a Lab is that they do need plenty of room to run and get their exercise. City living is not the best choice, and ideally, you’ll want to have a lifestyle that includes visiting the water. Labs love to swim. Labs typically get along with other dogs and animals. They can be protective but are not aggressive. Like the Beagle, they have a short coat that sheds a lot.

5. Golden Retriever

The only dog breed that can rival the Lab for a popular family choice is the Golden Retriever. Like the Lab, they were originally bred as bird dogs. Golden Retrievers have many of the same characteristics as Labs, including patience, tolerance, friendliness, and intelligence.

Golden Retrievers are eager to please and love obedience training. They also love to play and retrieve. These dogs get along with other animals and people quite well. Their long coat requires brushing a few times a week but is otherwise relatively easy to maintain.

Now that you know about a few of the best family dogs, you can go forth and make an informed choice.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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