The ABC of Dental Implants- Basics, Ideal Candidate, Placement Procedure and Benefits

Losing a tooth is likely to disturb your life significantly resulting in some difficulty in your day to day activities such as speaking and eating. Though the dental restorative methods of the modern age have led to a noteworthy reduction when it comes to the total teeth extracted every year but a good number of people have one or more missing teeth. If you too have missing teeth and are on the lookout for a lifelong and permanent replacement option then without any doubt, dental implants must be your foremost choice.

Basic Facts on Dental Implant

Simply put, a dental implant is one of the most high-tech tooth replacement methods which mimics the entire tooth structure. The dentist will snugly insert into the bone a titanium root to support a denture, bridge or crown. It acts, looks and feels like a real tooth. If you take proper care of it, this will last a lifetime. A dental implant has turned into a state-of-the-art solution for tooth replacement owing to the different benefits that it offers. With current innovations in dentistry, things have become much simpler and easier. For best results always get your dental implant done by an experienced dentist. For instance, Dr. Delahunty, a dentist from Canyon Rim Dental Salt LakeĀ can be a great choice. Dentists usually have good experience in this field and have successfully placed many implants over the years. The best part about consulting a good dentist is that they will answer all your queries and also explain about the dental implant procedure in detail.

Dental Implant- Ideal Candidates

Dental implant technology will be the right choice for candidates suffering from any of these conditions,

  • One or above missing teeth
  • Decayed or broken teeth which are beyond repair
  • Uncomfortable with bridge, partial denture or denture
  • Patients having insufficient bone or certain habits and health conditions can also receive implants

A Brief on the Placement Procedure

When it comes to the procedure for placing dental implants, it involves multiple stages. But the single step technique is also gaining recognition. Take a look at the different steps for the placement of implants.

  • Treatment Plan- Before placing the implant, the dentist will thoroughly study your dental and medical records and will then conduct a proper clinical test of the oral cavity. They do it to ensure that the candidate is suitable to undergo an implant and likewise make the treatment plan as per the dental needs of the patient.
  • Apply Anesthesia-Being a surgical procedure, the dentist uses anesthesia to make the patient remain pain-free and comfortable all through the procedure.
  • Soft Tissue Reflection-The dentist will then create an incision on the patient’s oral soft tissues to expose the underlying jaw bone.
  • Implant Placement- The dentist will drill a hole inside the patient’s jaw bone so that it is a little narrower compared to the implant’s thickness. Then the implant will be screwed or tapped carefully into position through controlled and precise forces.
  • Prosthesis- If the dentist opts for a two-step procedure, a healing abutment will be put over the implant while the overlying soft tissues will be sutured to allow the surgical site to heal. After the healing takes place, the dentist will remove the abutment and place a prosthetic to the implant. In case of an instant implant loading, a prosthetic will be placed immediately over the implant.

The Benefits in Abundance

Dental Implants will offer you with an array of benefits namely,

  • Act as a Natural Teeth- First and foremost it will help in restoring the full chewing power. And not only that the patients will not be able to differentiate between the implant tooth and their natural teeth. People can typically eat with it and also flush and brush regularly.
  • Long lasting- Dental implants are long lasting, unlike a dental bridge that will last for about ten years. Made out of titanium, the implant will integrate appropriately to the jawbone. Implants are bio-compatible which means non-toxic.
  • Prevent Bone Loss-The bone loss takes place in the jaw especially in the absence of tooth root keeping this jaw bone stimulated. When a tooth falls, the jaw bone within the empty space will begin to deteriorate because of lack of movement. The truth is if you do not place an implant right away after losing a tooth, chances are the area surrounding the bone will lose its volume by 25%, and over the years this will continue. A dental implant will help to rreinstate boththe tooth and the root, the chewing will be restored to normal and will also offer the stimulation required for the bone to grow.
  • Stabilizes the adjacent teeth- A lost tooth will result in a gap that will make the adjacent teeth to budgeobliquely towards the gap. It will pull the teeth out from the position thereby affecting the bite, altering the appearance and also the ability to chew. Besides this can cause interferences which later on can make the tooth replacement tricky. A reduced bite may result in troublesto the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which may cause headaches and pain.
  • Check Premature Aging and Facial drooping- An unwanted effect because of bone loss due to missing teeth can be drooping facial muscles in some people. The changes here can include a pointed chin, thinning lips and too many wrinkles surrounding the mouth thereby making the person appear older than the original age.

The list of benefits does not end here. If you undergo dental implant through a professional and experienced dentist, you can enjoy other benefits as well. It will help to enhance your quality of life overall by making your mouth function and smile in being natural resulting in more confidence and increased comfort, keep teeth healthy and most importantly eliminate common health issues arising from failing teeth. So for a healthy and happy smile contact the best dentist today.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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