The Benefits of IV Therapy for Cold and Flu Season

With the cold and flu season here and COVID-19 lingering like an unwanted houseguest, you owe it to yourself to do everything possible to boost your immunity. A healthy diet and exercise help, but they only go so far.

Have you considered seeking a medical boost via an IV? This method allows you superior protection for multiple reasons. Learn more about the benefits of IV therapy for the cold and flu season during this crazy 2020 year and always.

1. It’s a Rapid Immune Boost

Medical professionals can rapidly and safely administer IV fluids to get the medication directly into your bloodstream. This method of delivery offers multiple advantages over oral administration.

The most significant benefit is that you get the nutrients your body needs without waiting for your stomach and intestines to digest them. The good stuff goes directly into your bloodstream, providing your natural killer cells the energy they need in their battle against pathogens.

2. You Get Your Vitamins and Minerals

Let’s face it — no matter how healthy a diet you eat, it’s challenging to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. If you frequently rely on convenience foods to meet your calorie requirements, you could suffer malnutrition even if you eat sufficient amounts.

One of the benefits of IV therapy is getting a mega-dose of nutrients like vitamin C and B-vitamins administered directly. You don’t have to do any math or guesswork. You’ll find you enjoy eating more when you don’t have to calculate the nutritional value of each meal.

3. You Avoid Absorption Issues

Some digestive issues, such as celiac disease, can damage the small intestine, a part of the digestive tract that helps you absorb nutrients. When this injury occurs, you can suffer issues with getting enough of the vitamins and minerals you need. In extreme cases, this lack can lead to anemia and osteoporosis.

IV therapy allows you to deliver nutrition in a usable form that bypasses your digestive system. You drench your cells in the raw materials they need to keep your body functioning at peak efficiency.

4. You Get More Rapid Relief

When you feel sick, minutes can stretch on like hours. It feels like you’ll never get relief. Because of the direct delivery of vital nutrients and medicines directly to your bloodstream, you’ll say “aah” more quickly.

Think back to the last time you had a hangover. If you used the traditional method of washing down aspirin with coffee and plenty of water, you probably suffered while you waited for it to work. An IV could have you feeling like new in no time.

5. You Know Your Precise Dosage

Have you ever accidentally taken too much cold medication because your foggy head couldn’t remember whether or not you took your last dose? One benefit of IV therapy is taking the guesswork out of measuring.

Your professional will carefully administer a precise dosage based upon your body weight and other factors, such as your activity level. They’ll also consider extenuating circumstances, such as working in a health care setting where your risk of infection is high. Best of all, while it’s easy to forget taking a pill, it’s much more challenging to block out the memory of an injection.

6. You See a Medical Professional

It’s a sad fact of life in the United States — not everyone who needs to go to a doctor when sick can do so. Millions of people lack health insurance coverage, and those who do have it may find that their copays and deductibles place treatment out of reach. Unfortunately, these numbers continue growing amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, you can see a licensed medical provider regardless of your insurance status with IV therapy. Many insurance companies won’t cover these elective procedures, anyway, which liberates you to pay on a cash basis instead of hassling with paperwork.

7. And They Can Come to You

Are you one of those who took the shutdowns so seriously that you still hesitate to venture in public? If you have an autoimmune disease, heart condition or another medical ailment that puts you at an elevated risk from infection, you’re wise to stay indoors.

That doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the benefits of IV therapy. Your professionals can come to you for at-home administration. They’ll take all precautions to ensure your safety, including wearing masks and covering their shoes.

8. You Can Find Affordable Pricing

IV therapy is a cost-effective way to brace your body for the cold and flu season. Sessions start at only $159 for a basic package.

If even that seems too pricey, consider the alternative. Missing a day or two of work could easily eat up at much if you are paid hourly and lack PTO. It’s better to manage a known cost than to have an unexpected expense leave you short on rent.

Reap the Benefits of IV Therapy for Cold and Flu Season

The 2020 cold and flu season promises to be a doozy with the threat of COVID-19 still lingering like the odor of your colleague’s microwaved salmon leftovers. Protect yourself and those you love by reaping the benefits of IV therapy.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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