The Benefits of Using the Swedish Snus

According to studies, the Swedish snus has had a positive impact on the public health in Sweden.  Statistics even reveal that snus is the leading smoking cessation help in Norway and Sweden because it’s been very efficient in aiding people to quit smoking cigarettes.

It’s a known fact that Swedish men have lower tobacco-related death cases compared to men in other European countries. An analysis of data in a WHO report dubbed “Mortality attributable to tobacco among men in Sweden and other European countries” established that the lowest level of death linked to tobacco was invariably found in Sweden. However, women from Sweden showed the same levels of mortality as the European average. A solid co-variation was established between death advantage and the rate of dominance of the use of snus among different age groups of Swedish men. Swedish female had no age groups with dominant snus use, which explains why the same findings were impossible for these women.

Going by the report, it is safe to assume that the use of snus rather than cigarettes among men in Sweden could be the main reason why they rank bottom with the lowest mortality attributable to tobacco in Europe. Besides, Swedish-dealers, like SnusDirect, deliver high standard products that offer value for clients, which cannot be said for other European or western countries.

The SCENIHR research also confirms that the Swedish snus packs plenty of health benefits to its users. Although there have been concerns that the introduction of snus on the market might present a range of health issues for the public, these concerns are pinned on plausible assumptions as opposed to actual evidence.

In addition to the SCENIHR findings, there is strong scientific evidence from Norway and Sweden that confirm snus is highly beneficial for individual health. The research revealed that contrary to what some people believe:

  • Daily smokers who also use snus have higher chances of quitting the daily smoking habit, (86% versus 60% women and men alike)
  • Young people who start by using snus are more likely to avoid smoking – and those who end up smoking have higher chances than average to quit smoking eventually
  • About 50% of people who changed from cigarettes to snus eventually quit snus altogether
  • Very few people (0.2% and 1.7% of the female and male population respectively) continue with their daily use, which further shows that the uptake of snus by smokers doesn’t disrupt their motivation to quit smoking
  • Although the nicotine uptake is similar for both snus users and smokers, the nicotine dependence seems to vary largely, with snus users having weaker dependence because of the slower delivery, compared to smoking


  • Among men, snus is often used as an aid to quitting smoking (snus is used in more than half of all self-help smoking cessation attempts when matched to 12% and 16% for nicotine patch and nicotine chewing gum respectively)
  • Both women and men who use snus as an aid to quit smoking have almost enhanced their chances of success twice as much than those who use medical nicotine aid

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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