The Best Sciatica Treatment Methods sciatica in Frisco

Sciatica affects many people, especially adults. When suffering from this condition, one side of your body will be affected, with pain or numbness being felt in your lower spine, buttock, and/or the back of the leg. Severe cases of this condition can cause you to experience a sharp pain that feels like an electric shock, especially when you sit down for extended periods of time. If you experience mild sciatica, you could benefit from practicing several self-care measures that improve its symptoms, while those with severe symptoms of this medical condition should look for the best specialist for sciatica in Frisco. Such a specialist is likely to use any of the following sciatica treatment methods.

1.    Selective Nerve Root Blocks

During this treatment, your doctor will perform an x-ray to locate the affected nerve root. An anesthetic drug and a long-lasting steroid will then be injected into the nerve root. The anesthetic drug injections are administered to block pain signals from reaching your brain, while the use of a steroid is to improve any pain and inflammation caused by increased pressure on the affected nerve. After the injection, you are to relax for a few minutes and then go home. You are likely to notice some reduction in sciatica symptoms a few days after this treatment. If you continue to experience a lot of pain in the affected body part seven days after this treatment, then you are to go back to your doctor for another injection.

2.    Epidural Steroid Injections

You may be advised to go for this kind of sciatica treatment if medications and physical therapy fail to work for you. During this treatment, steroid medication and a local anesthetic drug will be directly injected into the space surrounding your spinal cord and nerve roots (i.e., the epidural space). This treatment is intended to improve your mobility by alleviating pain and inflammation surrounding the affected nerve root.

3.    The Superion Indirect Decompression System (IDS)

When you go for this kind of treatment, a Superion implant will be used for decompression. This involves your doctor making a surgical cut in your lower back and then implanting the Superion via a small tube. The implant will be directed to the damaged disc in your spine without destroying any nearby tissue or bone; therby, reducing the pressure applied on the affected nerve by the surrounding tissue so as to prevent you from having pinched nerves. You should not worry about the occurrence of spinal destabilization after the procedure as it will not occur.

4.  HF10TM Therapy

For this particular treatment, your doctor will aim to deliver electrical pulses that disrupt the transmission of pain signals from the affected nerve to your brain so as to decrease the pain you actually feel. During the procedure, your doctor will implant an electrical device that will transmit mild electrical pulses to your spinal cord. This procedure is likely to be used if you are suffering from chronic sciatica.

Sciatica refers to pain and other symptoms that develop along the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower spine, down both legs, and into your feet. In most cases, sciatica occurs when the nerve is compressed at the spine. Though not as common, the problem can also develop when muscles in the buttocks pinch the nerve.

What symptoms develop due to sciatica?

Sciatica is known for the excruciating pain that starts in your lower back and shoots down one leg like an electric shock. However, some patients describe it as a burning, aching, or cramping type of pain. Your pain may feel worse after sitting for an extended time or when you cough or sneeze. You may also develop tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness along the nerve.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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