The Business World Shift from VoIP to UCaaS

More and more there has been a recognized shift in communication software used in the business world. Entrepreneurs and companies that all interact with co-workers and clients over long distances have all started to realize a better solution, UCaaS. In a short amount of time Unified Communications as a Service has revolutionized the way communication takes place causing the shift from VoIP to UCaaS.

What is Unified Communications as a Service?

Understanding this sudden change in communication from VoIP to UCaaS it is important to understand what they are. Voice over Internet Protocol and Unified Communications as a Service (Ucaas) are both used for communication between employees as well as transmitting visual and audio information from its origin to one other, or several, destinations at a time. However, UCaaS is capable of doing more than VoIP at a faster speed. UCaaS is a cloud-based software service that connects all employees eliminating the need for a co-worker or subordinate to transfer information to another employee or supervisor. Instead of waiting to receive information all would have access to it as the information is stored on this cloud-based software. Taking it a step further UCaaS incorporates the use of email, voicemail, phone calls, text messaging, web conferencing, and external programs. Unified Communication as a Service is renowned for its effectiveness in the business world recognized as the latest solution to communication difficulties.

UCaaS vs VoIP

In comparison, it is no wonder why UCaaS has been deemed the better choice for business communication over VoIP. VoIP is highly effective and efficient in communication via internet connection, monitoring phone calls made/received, call forwarding, dial-in conferencing, importing/exporting phone numbers, and transcribing phone calls. That is why, the voip solution for business is highly appreciated and sought for. However, that is all VoIP allows for. UCaaS on the other hand provides these same services, and offers more capabilities. Unlike VoIP UCaaS offers video allowing for face-time phone calls and video conferencing. Thanks to the cloud service UCaaS provides there is an allowance for joint storage of all files, file sharing, and shared calendars. These additional capabilities make team project completion, joint project management, and organizing meeting times a lot simpler with all having access to the same information.

Progressive Increase of UCaaS Providers

With the shift from VoIP to UCaaS and UCaaS gained in popularity there have recently been reviews of business that offer UCaaS services. Most recently to be reviewed was Nextiva. There have been a few Nextiva reviews which give an insight as to what Nextivia will soon offer as far as UCaaS services for entrepreneurs and business companies. As one of the top 10 UCaaS providers in the US Nextiva stands out from the rest Nextivia by placing a high standard for customer experience creating an incomparable reliability of service. All UCaaS providers have been making strides in progressing towards customer demand in the provision of UCaaS services. Nextiva is the latest agency making a change to providing UCaaS services as businesses make the shift from VoIP to UCaaS.

Offering more capabilities UCaaS has been growing in popularity in the business world. Compared to VoIP, UCaaS has more useful functions that makes communication and the transferring of information simpler than it ever has been before. As there has been a shift from VoIP to UCaaS among business companies providing agencies have also followed that shift in increasingly providing UCaaS services to business companies making this change.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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