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The Difference between Public and Private Schools

There are some significant differences between public and private schools beyond the standard understanding of how they are funded. Many people see particular strengths and weaknesses in both types of school, but parents often make decisions on where their children will attend school based on curriculum and learning philosophy when they have personal financial resources that enable them to send their child to a private school. Issues such as exposure to certain elements of society can also have a major impact on a final decision. But first, it is best to understand the differences between the types of schools.

Public Schools

Public schools are no doubt the most cost-effective educational option for the largest share of parents, and many educators in the public system say that public schools can be just as efficient and effective in turning out solid graduates as private institutions. However, public schools are funded by public money that comes with many strings attached that require local public schools be operated by a specific set of rules, including approved curriculum schedules. Many parents find this restrictive and think their children would fare better after school with a more specific education instead of a generic training curriculum. Using specifics in the curriculum can help support teachers and students as they do this.  Some public schools have different curriculum than private schools, sometimes, vastly different.

Private Schools

Accredited private schools have much more control over the management of the learning platform. Financial issues with all private schools are a major concern, which is why tuition tends to be too steep for many parents. They also rely heavily on contributions from former students as well. But, the schedule of study plans in private schools can be narrowly tapered in such areas as business and management skills that are rarely included in the overall curriculum of public schools. Having control of your learning is an incredibly important part of the educational process.  Helping each student realize their unlimited potential is what every teacher wishes.

Montessori Schools

Some students even from an early age show particular individual abilities toward certain aspects of the learning process, and Montessori schools offer an excellent option for parents of these gifted and talented children. The general philosophy of most Montessori schools is that children learn at their own individual rate and focusing on individuality is vital to the development of child, as opposed to a benchmark testing and grading system by school instructors. Some schools, like Miniapple International Montessori School, know how important it is to value the individuality of each student. Teachers guide students through subjects they clearly enjoy instead of directing exactly what will be studied and issuing grades in accordance with testing of other students.

Another educational option for parents is choosing to send their children to parochial schools that also incorporate specific religious or spiritual elements meant to provide a comprehensive education that also focuses on social interaction both during and after their formative educational years. These schools are common in practically every urban area of the United States, but are still considered as private accredited non-secular schools.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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